30 days of School Holiday might suck up the creative brain cells of many parents. When you have run out of ideas what to do with your child. Take a break and give your child a chance to plan his own school holiday itinerary!

Here’s what my 5 year old child planned….

He said: “Yesterday I say we all eat lunch first, then do worksheet, then you play with us, then do worksheet, then play play play play, then after that wait for at night, and then eat dinner, then after that bathe, then sleep.” *ding*

Did you let your child plan his own time-table during the school holidays too? Its good to take a step back every now and then and allow your child to learn to make decisions. *Grin*

With decision, comes action, with action, comes result. By first making decision, they can access if they like the result. If they do not like the result, they would grow to learn to make ‘better’ decisions in future. *wink*

Parenting is not always about being in control
but rather to let your child grow.

~ Angeline Foong