I call myself a sleep queen because the moment I am ready to sleep, I can sleep almost immediately, for many hours (my longest record was 16hours)  at anywhere (once in the toilet) and in any position. *giggle*

I was lying beside my boys… Fell asleep before them… Was suddenly woken with a big shake from Keatkeat…

Keatkeat: “Mummy! Wake Up! Wake Up!”

Me: “What?” Still semi-conscious…

Keatkeat: “You are lying on my pillow.”

I pushed the pillow back to him and ready to climb back to my bed but was stopped by the little hand…

Keatkeat: “EEeeeeeeee…….. Your saliva is on my pillow!!!! So wet! How to sleep?! EEeeeeeee……”

NOW I’m awake because of embarrassment. I stripped the pillow case from the pillow and threw it to the corner, thinking that it would appease him enough so that I can get back to sleep.

I was wrong…….

Keatkeat: “Eeeeeeee…… my pillow is still wet!!! You got so much saliva!”

Super embarrassed and awake, I took the pillow away and said: “You have 2 pillows anyway, sleep with one tonight. Will wash this tomorrow morning.”

Keatkeat: “Wash properly ok! If not will be very smelly….”

*screeeeaaammmm* Find me a hole to hide in!!!