Feed Problem
others April 7th, 2009Updated on 8 April 7.05pm: My guru is holding my hand (virtually) doing this nerve-racking thing now.
Updated at 11.56pm: I tried to resubscribe my blog on Google Reader and this is the new error message:
“All About Your Child<br/> <b>Fatal error</b>: Cannot use object of type HeadSpace2 as array in <b>/home/rich1568/public_html/wp-content/plugins/headspace2/models/headspace.php</b> on line <b>169</b><br/>” has no unread items.
so it seems that the hostgator guy was right! There is a plugin that’s in conflict with the feed.
But I DIDN’T install it!!!! Its just that every now and then, my auto-plugin-upgrade plugin will help me upgrade the latest versions of different plugins. So I don’t bother to remember which plugin was upgraded.But my huge question now is, HEADSPACE2 is a very important plugin. What will happen to my blog if I remove it????!!! Still waiting for the answer from my gurus….
Updated at 5.31pm: Now MY FEED DOES NOT WORK AGAIN!!!! *faint*
Updated at 3.04pm: I went to FeedBurner and was told to transfer my feeds to my Google Account. I did as told. At the same time I was talking to Hostgator, the hosting co. for this blog. The guy told me that I’d installed a new plugin which is in conflict with my feeds. He said he had de-activated it. Hmmm…. But when I check my plugins, nothing was de-activated. And the next thing was, the feeds are (HALF) WORKING again! The feed page does not give error message BUT it DID NOT update my posts on Google Reader either. When I went to Ling’s or Blessed Mom’s site and click on my title on their sidebar, it DID NOT BRING ME to this blog like before, it brings me to the feed page. *sigh*….
Updated at 11.44am: Blessed Mom said the same thing!
Post started at 10am: I had been wondering why did my blog’s traffic dropped so drastically over the past few days. Today Ling, told me that she was not able to receive updates from my blog for 3 days.
I realised that my feed, http://allaboutyourchild.com/feed is not working and I have no idea why or how to solve it. This is the error message that came up:
XML Parsing Error: no element found
Location: http://allaboutyourchild.bom/feed
Line Number 15, Column 1:
I have sent out ‘urgent calls’ to all the techni-gurus that I know of, hope this problem gets resolved FAST.
Have you NOT been getting updates from my blog too?
April 7th, 2009 at 7:24 pm
is it because of the new widget that you addeD? Just a wild guess
April 7th, 2009 at 11:27 pm
That was my immediate guess too!
But the feed was malfunctioned since 3-4 days ago
And I just installed the new widget yesterday.
April 7th, 2009 at 11:27 pm
Me too not getting any feed for the last few days.
is it becos you had transferred your feed to google thus the feed from feedburner is no longer working ? not an expert myself…this feedburner and RSS feed thing is till very confusing for me
April 7th, 2009 at 11:38 pm
hope this problem will be resolved ASAP!
April 7th, 2009 at 11:56 pm
talked to hostgator this morning
the guy told me I have a plugin that is in conflict with the feed
but he was unable to tell me which plugin, he asked what was the plugin I installed since 3-4 days ago.
I DIDN’T!!! But every now and then, my auto-plugin-upgrade plugin will help me upgrade the latest versions of different plugins. So I don’t bother to remember which plugin was upgraded.
Later on I tried to subscribe to my own blog on Google Reader and a new error appeared. Go read my latest update on this post. Long story ah!!!!
April 8th, 2009 at 4:50 am
what i hassle for you mate. i hate the damn technical stuff. hope you can get it sorted. i dont use reader so im not useful to you at all!! x
Tinas last blog post..KID’S PARTY TIME
April 8th, 2009 at 2:27 pm
hmmm…I don’t use google reader. I just visit my friends blog.
Juliana RWs last blog post..I won POTD??
April 8th, 2009 at 6:40 pm
Oh! hope ur feed problem solved a.s.a.p.
April 9th, 2009 at 8:45 am
That freaks me out when that happens. It’s like it is my place. To be denied access is unsettling. Glad it worked out.
April 9th, 2009 at 10:43 am
Mate, I figured out how to get your feed back. In /headspace2/models/headspace.php, comment out the lines 168&169 with //
As a result, your feed will be back in action.
April 9th, 2009 at 10:47 am
thank you,
it has been solved last night already.
Thank you, thank you….:)