Being Away From My Kids…
Parenting May 3rd, 2010Being away from my kids can be an emotional roller coaster ride for them more than me. Am I a terrible mum? I do not think so. To me, when I am away, I make sure that every second spent is worthwhile and would benefit them directly or indirectly, eventually.
Thus, I will go all out to get things done as I was required to. It does not mean they are not on my mind. But because they are the reason why I am away, the easier it was for me to stay focus and commit to my tasks.
Away for 3 full days was exhausting, but rewarding. Luckily my boys are late-sleepers or else they would not haven seen me for a full 72 hours. I was a contributor during a 3-day seminar. Thus I had to be there before every thing started and almost after everything ended.
So in order to make sure that the boys KNOW that I am thinking of them, I ‘sent‘ them secret letters every day. It was also a tool to help Allan to have ‘smoother‘ parenting days.
The rule was : The Boys needed to get a number of ticks on the smiling face Each Day, before they can open the letter for that day.
To get a tick, all they need to do, is listen to Allan’s instructions and act on it immediately.
For example, if Allan said “Go Brush Your Teeth.” They had to go without whining or dilly dally. If Allan had to repeat more than twice, then a tick on the sad face would appear.
All the letters were pre-prepared way before I attended the seminar.
Day 1:
My sis woke up earlier than my hubby. She saw Binbin’s sad face when he did not see me.
Without knowing this ‘rule‘, she gave the letter to Binbin to cheer him up. So the boys got their first letter without ‘working‘ for it.*faint*
That night, Binbin cried as he told me that he forgot to bring home ‘something‘ which he bought for me. I could not figure out what it was through his ‘choking-from-his-tears’ and never bothered to ask what it was either.
Day 2:
As you can see from above, Binbin (Zen) ‘worked‘ just as hard as his elder brother, Keatkeat (Zac) to make sure that he could open the second letter.
That night, Keatkeat asked “Mommy, is it going to be all notes? How about giving us a toy car?” *faint*
Asking such a question to a ‘Don’t-buy-toys-Mommy’, is as good as not buying a lottery ticket and hope you could win the lottery. Fat Chance! *laugh*
Day 3:
Oh well, like I had expected, Keatkeat likes surprises, so instead of giving notes, I gave a CARD on the 3rd day. Oh well, at least its NOT a note. *laugh* (Remember? I prepared everything way before the seminar. I think I really know my son very well. *wink*)
The cutest thing was, ever since then, I receive ‘something‘ in an envelope from Binbin every day! *giggle* Which usually happens to be his toy car or an eraser or a small piece of artwork. Nice! *smile*
What ‘special‘ thing do you do to your children when you are away from them? Do you bother to remind them that you are missing them? Has it become so routine that you have forgotten to tell them that you are loving them, even though you are not by their side? *wink*
May 3rd, 2010 at 2:58 am
So cute! You are a great mommy!
May 3rd, 2010 at 8:17 am
So sweet of you =)
I will send sms msg and hubby will let them read out.
.-= ling´s last undefined ..If you register your site for free at =-.
May 3rd, 2010 at 8:57 am
I kinda of missing u ard too! ;)
May 3rd, 2010 at 9:29 am
Hello…you are a great mom….look what you have done. As a parent we all need a break from our children….and it isn’t because we don’t love them….of course that isn’t the case…sometimes it’s cause we DO LOVE them. Sometimes our absece from them reminds us how much we love them and how much they bring to our lives.
I use to put little notes in my girls lunch bags…just letting them know how much they meant to me…
You are a great MOM!!!!!
May 3rd, 2010 at 3:53 pm
you’re a super mom!!!
The little notes for your kids are so sweet…… Good idea!
.-= prince n princess mum´s last blog ..Sweet… =-.
May 3rd, 2010 at 5:41 pm
You never fail to surprise me…: )
It such simple act but i think it’s the thoughts/action that matter…
Your boys are lucky to have you..
May 3rd, 2010 at 8:38 pm
wow, really nice of you to think of such things…great mummy!
May 4th, 2010 at 12:02 am
that’s such a simple yet awesome thing to do :-) your boys are lucky to have you…
May 4th, 2010 at 12:29 pm
Aww…that’s so sweet. Thanks for sharing these great ideas!
.-= Rachel´s last blog ..His (almost) perfect nursery school =-.
May 6th, 2010 at 5:41 am
That’s a great idea! I especially like that they had to earn the letter.
May 7th, 2010 at 10:18 am
such sweet gesture! it is the simplest things that actually make a person smile from the heart.
I’ll suprise Dylan today! ;)
.-= Rach´s last blog ..A New Gadget to My Not-So-Boring Life =-.
May 7th, 2010 at 9:46 pm
so sweet and thoughtful of you!
see Bin worked really hard for the first 3 days but what happen to the last?? So many tick on the sad face…
May 8th, 2010 at 1:49 am
blessed mom,
cos he got all the letters already.
*huge laugh*
May 12th, 2010 at 1:32 pm
wow…thks for sharing this wonderful tips. I’ve created a reward chart for my son but he seems not excited about it. Maybe I should give him a surprise like this – give him a letter when he is good to find what was inside. Btw, my reward chart is using a happy face ;) to indicate he is a good boy.
.-= mnhl´s last blog ..Bye bye Diapers =-.
May 12th, 2010 at 2:15 pm
I have tried that ‘happy face’ before and I realised it didn’t work for my boys.
but Now, with this simple tick, my boys get to ‘pen’ it down, more involvement, thus it worked better for them.
I do not put the ticks, they do it on their own.
Even the smiley and the sad face were all drawn by them.
Its the involvement that they are addicted to, thus it worked. *wink*