These were the presents they received this Christmas 2011:

For KeatKeat – From Yi-Bak and Yi-Bak-Leong

PhotobucketFor KeatKeat – From Bak-Bak and Bak-Leong

PhotobucketThe cute baby toy vehicles above was requested by Binbin – From Papa

PhotobucketYellow Bird for Keatkeat, U-Turn Bird for Binbin – From Me

PhotobucketTo BinBin – From Yi-Bak and Yi-Bak-Leong

PhotobucketTo BinBin – From Bak-Bak and Bak-Leong


So what did Ah Yee, Yi-Zhang, all the cousins gave to Keatkeat and Binbin?!

More GOGO’S CRAZY BONES to add on to their collection!

This is how much they have in TOTAL on Christmas Day….and its still increasing!





In a way, I love GOGO’S CRAZY BONES, because it fits perfectly into the  reward-cum-punishment system! *laugh*

I had to remember which pieces are their favourites, so that I get to pick them when they break some rules. One piece for one misbehaviour. In a normal day, I can get about 2. Can you imagine on ‘their bad days’?!


They can only redeem ONE back each morning, unless they were able to be perform certain ‘difficult’ task on that day, then they will get more than one back on that day. ***Difficult task could mean Do Not Argue with your brother! *wink*