Hospital Kids
Child, Handling Misbehaviour, Health, Parenting July 12th, 2008As you know, I’m a SAHM. So no matter where I am, my children will be. Even when I’m bathing, they will come over every other minute and ask…..
“Mommy, are you bathing?…..Mommy, are you done?…..Mommy, are you putting shampoo on your hair?….Mommy, I don’t hear water-sound, so are you wiping yourself now….are you coming out now?”
So when I went to the hospital to visit my FIL, naturally they will go along. Everyone knows how ‘natural loud-speakers’ kids are, and being active 90% of the time, you could hardly get them to sit still for more than 5mins.
When my boys see their cousins, it’s party time! All of them would laugh and speak louder than usual. Even though every adult would go, “Shhhhh…..this is the hospital, the patients are sick, they need to rest, so you need to talk softly…” a thousand times, they would still forget this golden rule the next minute.
I’m glad that my boys obeyed the “NOT TO RUN ABOUT” commandment, but not my nieces and my little 1year old nephew.
My second sis-in-law had not brought her only daughter to see my FIL for the past 1 week since his hospitalisation, in order to prevent the need to discipline her in public.
My eldest sis-in-law’s kids, who stay with my parents-in-law, would naturally follow my MIL on every visit.
Being active is usually ‘acceptable‘ but sometimes being kids, they would say whatever that comes to mind and THAT may be ‘unacceptable’ to the ears of the patients or the patients’ families at time….
“Mommy, why the uncle got that thing stuck in his mouth?”
“Mommy, why that uncle make so much noise?”
“Mommy, why that uncle sleep like that?”
“Mommy, why that uncle poo-poo on his bed?”
“Mommy, why that uncle vomit?”
“Mommy, why that uncle’s leg got that big white thing?”
“MOMMY, that uncle not moving, IS HE DEAD??!”
and the ‘why’ questions continues….(my FIL stays in a male ward, so they saw male patients only)
Even if I wasn’t a SAHM, I believe I’ll still bring my kids along whenever I visit a family member or relative who is hospitalised. It’s vital to let them know the importance of being healthy. Actually, these few days, my elder one has started to eat slightly more vegetables, he used to eat only ONE vege per meal….
“Mommy vegetables are good for my body right? I want to be healthy, don’t want to be sick. If I am sick, I have to stay in the hospital and cannot go home….I don’t want that.”
I think there’s some kind of effect after seeing how people suffer in hospital…he doesn’t want to see himself in that state….
So are you like my 2nd sis-in-law, who prefers not to bring her kid to the hospital to prevent unnecessary noise pollution?
Or are you like my eldest sis-in-law who doesn’t have a preference if the kids went there or not?
Or are you like me, who thinks that hospital is another educational centre, where kids can learn alot from there too?
July 13th, 2008 at 12:38 am
I didnt know that you are a SAHM! :)
for me, I would not bring them to hospital until they are older enough. however, to let them learn more about having good health, I would prefer to bring them to orphanage or old folks home, where they could learn something in life and do volunteer work at the same time. :)
lings last blog post..A Year Wiser
July 13th, 2008 at 4:34 am
I don’t like to take my kids to the hospital, unless that’s really necessary, because a matter of health.
The pediatrician always told me to not taken them there once there’s sickness all around and there’s always the possibility of catching something.Specially if they’re very young… :s
Sandras last blog post..Back on Track
July 13th, 2008 at 7:29 am
Angeline, I am like you, let the children know that sometimes, not in every single case, but for the most part healthy habits like not smoking and eating your vegetables are good health habits that can keep you from chronic illness.
ON the other hand, I would limit the hospital visits to less than 15 minutes. Why? Because after that amount of time kids get restless, they want to touch things etc. Hospitals in the US are full of GERMS. There is risk of exposure to pathogens because children tend to touch their faces and mouths. Make sure they wash their hands before leaving or use an alcohol based gel. A quick hello from children to a sick relative could cheer up the patient, but that’s good enough. A quick good-bye is better.
Nana Connies last blog post..July Remembers
July 13th, 2008 at 9:51 am
I agree with you 100%!!
I hope your FIL is feeling ok……………
July 13th, 2008 at 12:15 pm
You have a point there, but like Nana Connies said, hospital is place which is full of germs, unless the kids are well disciplined,otherwise I will try avoid bringing them to hospitals.
Yees last blog post..Stylish eye-wear
July 13th, 2008 at 1:06 pm
I would bring my kids along if any of our immediate family members is in the hospital. Like when Z was hospitalized, I brought L along to visit her brother. But our family don’t like us to bring kids along coz they said germs & virus are everywhere in the hospital.
LZmommys last blog post..LZ’s Reaction
July 13th, 2008 at 8:19 pm
I think it depends – if it’s to visit a relative who would find some comfort at seeing my child, than I would bring them for a short visit, with me keeping my child VERY quiet for the whole time. Otherwise, my kids are staying home because letting them have an educational experience does not trump the comfort of the patients in the hospital.
Becks last blog post..
July 13th, 2008 at 9:47 pm
Sorry, didn’t know you are a SAHM..
I would bring my kids to hospital only if its our immediate family for fear of the germs and virus in there. This is the advice from my PIL.
Hope your FIL is recovering well.
Blessed Mums last blog post.."Relax" in the Pool
July 14th, 2008 at 1:38 am
It depends on the situation. Like you, most of the time if I go somewhere Hunter is with me because there is no alternative. I have not gone and visited people in the hospital for this reason. However, when Hunter’s new cousin was born we did take him with us. I have asked the patient before.
Truth be known during the flu seasons and such I would prefer to leave him elsewhere…
July 14th, 2008 at 9:32 am
I’m like you. I think it’s healthy for kids to know that there is suffering to life. There’s one good reason to appreciate our health when we have it!
Erins last blog post..JOSE
July 23rd, 2008 at 2:08 pm
wanted to bring my boy to visit my dad when he was there, hope will cheer my dad him cos he loves me son. Hope that will also encourage him to recover sooner. hehehee…but he say not good cos there have germs.
I have nv tot of hospital a good place to teach, but i know of ppl volunteering in hospital, so when hes older, I’ll hope to bring him to do volunteering work.
Jasmines last blog post..Uncle Gary took all my toys