My first born turns 9 today.
These 9 years, had not been easy.
As I allow my fingers to dance on the keyboard, I am still breathing deeply to calm myself down.

I once wrote a post that talked about how Kitkit would do something abnormal EVERYDAY which would either drive us up the wall or make us scold him. Hours before he blow his 9th candle, he is still doing what toddlers would do, i.e. do without thinking.

When we stepped out of TimeZone, after 1+ hour of fun, Kitkit hugged me and said, “Thank You Mummy for spending unnecessary money on us to make us happy.”
Isn’t that sweet?

The honey words sweetened my heart so much I felt like I was going to have diabetes!
the bitterness that comes after…. destroyed all sweetness.

It is a habit that I insist my boys to have, the moment we step into the house, regardless of where we went : Wash Hands Wash Legs.

For 8 years (not including the first year when he was still a baby), AT LEAST 2920 times over these 8 years, for him to cultivate this habit : Wash Hands, Wash Legs IN THE TOILET the moment we come home.

Almost 3000 times of practise!
Still not enough???!!!!

This day, a couple of hours before he blow his 9th candle at midnight on 1st/2nd November, he chose to wash his hands in the Kitchen basin.

Guess where did he wash his legs?
He used his hands as a bowl, tried to ‘store‘ some water and splash it on his feet, which was standing on the kitchen floor!!!

His soles, OBVIOUSLY still dirty, created new BLACK FOOTPRINTS designs on the kitchen’s beige floor tiles as he walked into the living room, switched on the TV and laughed as he watched his favourite cartoon, as if he had done something perfectly normal!

*eyes rolled*

I remember hearing a saying that goes something like this,
“If you are not caught, nothing that you do is wrong.”

But this son of mine, ALWAYS leave a trace behind after every ‘crime‘ he makes.

The kitchen floor was super wet and dirty!
I asked him WHY did he not wash in the toilet AS WHAT HE WOULD DO FOR THE PAST 8 YEARS?!
He said he was afraid of darkness and was lazy to switch on the lights of the toilet. Since the kitchen lights are already switched on, it is more ‘convenient‘ to wash in the kitchen.

Can you believe this?!?
*Double Eyes Rolled*

Anyway, after listening to ‘my music’, with his head down, he took the floor-towel and wipe his mess.

I DO NOT CLEAN up his ‘shit‘!
To me, even when he was much younger, if you make a mess, YOU CLEAR the mess!
Do Not expect ANYONE to do the dirty work for you!


I do not want to pretend to be happy when I am not.
That is the type of blogger I am.
I blog about my exact feelings, even if its BAD feelings on a Supposedly-Happy post.
Birthday Post is supposed to be a happy post, but I am not.
So this shall be his birthday post this year.

No mood to post his TWO pre-birthday-celebration with his cousins (27th October) and with his Ah Yee and Yee-Zhang (29th october) now. There were a number of funny moments to share, but I do not even feel like laughing now.

So hopefully, with fingers and toes crossed, the next post would be on the fun he had this year for his 9th birthday…..



Happy 9th Birthday KitKit!