These were Binbin’s little expressions made on his cup. It also shows what has been going on in his brain and the things that meant something to him at that moment when he did his artwork on his cup…..
I showed the kids how to create this simple handicraft fishing game once, many years back. If I did not remember wrongly, I think I did it when Keatkeat was in Nursery and Binbin was only 2 or 3 years old.
Today, Binbin surprised me when he made this all by himself without my knowledge.
He said: “Mummy come. Play fishing with me.”
I was expecting the ‘Fishing Ninja’ game app, which my whole family (except me) had been playing frequently. Instead, he brought me to the room and showed me the craft just made.
Something that was taught so long ago, yet he still remembers. *smile*
Pleasantly Surprised indeed!
***For blogging purposes, I asked him to make another fishing rod while I took photos…
There are some differences from the one I taught my children years ago. But I choose to show you HIS way, ‘cos I believe, if he can do it on his own without any supervision, your child will be able to do it too. *wink*
Step 1: Tie a string to one wooden chopstick
Step 2: Tie the other end of the string to a paper clip
Step 3: Stick the paper clip to a magnet using Blu Tack
Step 4: Draw a worm and some fish on a piece of paper
Step 5: Cut out the worm and the fish
Step 6: Draw the eyes and mouth of the worm and fish. You can colour them too.
Step 7: Put a paper clip on the ‘head‘ of the worm
Step 8: Allow the magnet to ‘suck‘ up the worm
And you are ready to FISH!
He played it in two different ways
1. The SIMPLE fishing: Use the big fat worm as bait (which turned out to be bigger than the fish!) *laugh* to fish. Let the magnet do the work and ‘suck‘ up the fishes one by one.
2. The REELING fishing: Use the big fat worm as bait again to fish. The difference is you REEL up the fish.
Angeline Foong is my name. Making kids happy is my aim. Friends call me kids-crazy because I always adore children and want to be close to them as often as I can. Now that I have two children of my own. I realised that Parenting need NOT be a frustrating experience. With lots of CREATIVITY, love, patience and time, no issue is considered unsolvable. Share with me your woes in parenting your child and I just might have the antidote to your 'poison'. *smile*
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