Mother’s Day Gifts
Special MomentsIt felt real good to be more than a Mommy to just my two boys on Mother’s Day:
Keatkeat bought this flower from his school bookshop at 80 cents. He passed it to me when I fetch him from school, but BEFORE I could get it home, the flower has ‘blossomed‘! Completely unrolled. *laugh*
So in the end I had to fix my own present…. *laugh*
Binbin didn’t give me any Mother’s Day present. His reason was “Everyday I give you a new present in the envelope. You got so many presents from me already.” *laugh* (read here to understand why)
My Eldest niece gave me a star plasticine in a beautiful box, together with a card. I love to over-exaggerate my expressions whenever I receive presents from kids.
‘cos when I over-exaggerate on how Surprise I am and how moved I am, it makes them really happy. That kind of shy-smile is one precious moment I love to capture in my mind.
And I was a Mother to Giant Supermarket! *laugh* I was paying for my drink at the Cashier and this lovely cashier gave me this last stalk of carnation in her basket.
Anyone went Giant on Mother’s Day and received this too? *wink*
Of cos’ not forgetting to celebrate Mother’s Day with the other 3 mothers: My MIL, 1st SIL and 2nd SIL with the yummilicious cake! *YUM!*
Hope you lovely Mothers had a Wonderful Mother’s Day too!
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