Money and Children ~ eBay item Sold

MoneyTalk for Kids

Its been a loooooooooong time since I last posted about my children earning money from eBay.

Yes! Another of their toys were sold. This time the kids get to decide on the price of the toy they are selling. Before we listed the item on my eBay, I taught them how to determine how much their toy was worth.

  1. Visited toy shop to look at similar toys and checked out their prices.
  2. Advised them that used toys should be priced lower than new toys.
  3. Highlighted scratches on their toy, thus price should be even lower.

After these points were given, I was surprised at Keatkeat’s response, “Mommy, just sell it for $8. Almost same price as new ones. Then if the person want discount then we discount for him lor.”

*Jaws Dropped*

He was definitely paying attention when he was ‘helping’ me at my retail business in the past. But that was four years ago!!! I am impressed!

In the end, the above toy was slashed from $8 to $5 before it was sold today to a first-time-Mommy.


Copyright © 2007-2024 All About Your Child. The contents on this blog are the sole property of the author, Angeline Foong, and may not be used or reproduced in any manner without consent. All Rights Reserved. 3 Comments »

Beading for Kids

Handicraft for kids, MoneyTalk for Kids

doneSchool Holidays is a love and hate relationship for me.
Love it because I get to spend extra time with kids whom I seldom have time with and hate it because it would also mean that lots of my usual ‘work’ is being delayed due to lack of ‘me-time’.

My eldest niece wanted to learn how to do ‘proper’ beading so that she can sell her craft works at the flea mart.

Knowing that I was in this line for years in the past and doing beading for survival then in my pushcarts; my eldest niece’s parents decided to send her daughter over for a mini ‘Beading for Kids‘ session.

beaSo she brought all her beads to my house while I provided her the finishing parts and the tools.

Its so different when you do beading yourself and when you teach. Its MORE FUN to teach beading than to do it! *laugh*

I think she did great! My eldest niece is an artistic girl by nature, so it was easy for her to pick up the tips and tricks in beading, whereby she had been ‘playing’ with for sometime. Thus I would not call it a ‘beading for beginners’ session.

So while we were having fun beading, all that she need was to master the basic finishing touches, the sell-able combination of colours and the proper way of grabbing the tools. Afterall, beading for fun and beading for sales purpose is different.

In a way, this ‘Beading for Kids’ session was funny to me. As the ‘teacher’ is trying hard to clear her 7 years of retail stuff on eBay and vowed never to go back to retail line again, yet she is promoting it indirectly. Hhhmmm….

Well, the only complain was my boys did not get a chance to play with their cousin. Lots of chatting definitely, but ‘real playtime’? Nah. *giggle*


Thank you 2nd BIL and SIL for this arrangement, it was a wonderful beading fun of 6 hours. *smile*

Copyright © 2007-2024 All About Your Child. The contents on this blog are the sole property of the author, Angeline Foong, and may not be used or reproduced in any manner without consent. All Rights Reserved. 2 Comments »