Money Lesson 2 for Preschooler
MoneyTalk for KidsA child MUST master Lesson 1 before coming to this lesson.
I call our self-created Money Lesson 2 > Creative Lesson.
We showed Keatkeat a world of possibilities, by training his mind to see beyond what is before his eyes.
In lesson 1, the coins were grouped with the same denominations. In Lesson 2, it will be a combination of different denominations. Again, since this is just for illustration purposes, 5cents and 1cent are NOT used here.
Prepare AT LEAST 1 piece of $1.00 coin, 5 pieces of 50 cents, 18 pieces of 20 cents and 39 pieces of 10 cents.
Step 1: Revise Lesson 1 (Important! Since its a build-up from it)
Step 2: I asked, “How many ways can you make 30 cents?”
Step 3: Keatkeat proceeds to form 2 combinations. Combi 1 – 3pieces of 10 cents and Combi 2 – 1piece of 20 cents and 1piece of 10 cents.
Step 4: “Very Good!” *Clap Clap Clap* (Always Remembering to Praise )
Step 5: “There are 3 combinations for 40cents. Can you show me?”
Step 6: Keatkeat proceeds to form 1 combination after next.
Step 7: At every correct combination, I would say “Good. You have __ combination(s) correct. ___ more to go.” (Its important to tell him how many combinations there are. In this way, he will know how far or near he is to the goal.)
Step 8: “Very Good!” *Clap Clap Clap* (when all the combinations are done.) Clear away ALL COINS and start with the next level.
Repeat step 5 – 8 till $1.00 is reached.
4 combinations for 50 cents
5 combinations for 60 cents
6 combinations for 70 cents
7 combinations for 80 cents
8 combinations for 90 cents
11 ways for 1 Dollar (including the $1 coin itself)
As the combination increases to 7 or 8, Keatkeat does have trouble figuring the last 1 to 2 combinations.
Since Mathematics is all logic. Whenever he has ‘mind-block’ I will give clues like, “Look at the combinations that has 20 cents and 10 cents. ‘This’ has 4 20 cents. ‘This’ has 3 20 cents. ‘This has 2 20 cents. Four, three, two….What’s next?”
“I Know! ONE !” yelled Keatkeat.
Lesson 2 was considered successful when I need not give him anymore clues and he could get all combinations for each level correctly on his own.
After Keatkeat had mastered this, we went on to Lesson 3 (which will be in the next post).
Money Lesson 2 for Preschooler
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