Blood Sprinkles

Child, Health, Parenting

Ok, 2 days ago, you were informed of my new neighbours having a complete makeover for their house.

Now its a different kind of music from then. Rather its more like “Knock Knock, who’s there?” Knockings are more common than drillings for yesterday and today.

But since Monday, the dust from that house has been flying into mine, I am blaming it on the wind direction!!! For those of you who have read my 7months struggle with Keatkeat, would know that he has sinusitis. So the teeny weeny particles that have been flying around are REALLY HELPING the building up the intensity of his sneezes.

He missed school yesterday because he was still teary from all the  “Haaa-Cheee” throughout the night. Today he missed school again because of this: –


These were the blood which were  ‘sprayed‘ out from my 5year old’s nose. These stains were on his brother’s mattress. So you can imagine how BLOODY his OWN mattress was. I was too eager to change the mattress cover for Keatkeat, so I didn’t take any photographs.

When my boy sneezes continuously for more than 2 days, this is a likely scene. Why? He ever ruptured his tender skin inside his nose when his Bronchitis first struck him at the age of 2;  thus whenever he coughs or sneezes too much or too hard, his NOSE BLEED STARTS.

I couldn’t change Binbin’s mattress cover, cos the little rooster was sleeping. WHICH IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO AT 2.30AM IN THE MORNING!!!!

Yes, yes… things always happen to my Keatkeat at such weird timings. The last time you knew I was mopping his vomit at 3am while he sang his “mop mop mop, mop-pi-li-mop” song beside me. Now this.

Seriously, Keatkeat’s nose bleed is not a big deal to me anymore. Keatkeat just kept giving me opportunities to practise. So much so that I now consider myself an expert when it comes to stopping nose bleeds. See what I do in this post. So stopping the flow and keeping calm is not an issue at all.

I did clean up after the drilling on Monday, but I guess I need my Pro, who is coming tomorrow to give my house a real scrub-a-dub-dub. *wink*

Copyright © 2007-2024 All About Your Child. The contents on this blog are the sole property of the author, Angeline Foong, and may not be used or reproduced in any manner without consent. All Rights Reserved. 21 Comments »

Huh? What? I Can’t Hear You!

Child, Health, Parenting

I’m hearing ‘Teerrrrggggrrrrrrr….‘ and ‘Grrrrgggrrrrrr….‘ and ‘Chiiinnnnggggg…..’ and ‘Dongggggggrrrrrrr

We were shouting at the top of our voices or we had to wait for the brief silence interval in order to hear and be heard.

Where in the world am I? My very own home!!!

All these craziness started this morning at 9am.

This is one of the very few things which make me detest staying in a Singapore HDB flat. Because all the units are so ‘nicely‘ stacked together, on top of each other, left and right; a drill on the wall from your right neighbour feels like a drill from the neigbour ‘abovePLUS a drill from the neighbout ‘belowPLUS a drill from the neighbour on your left.

AAAaaaaaarrrrrrrrgghhhhh…. I’m telling you, my house was shivering!!!!

After bringing Binbin home from school at 11am, Allan and I were determined to get OUT OF THE HOUSE. Get away from all the drilling, hacking and hammering.

One of my neighbours (Btw, I call everyone in my block ‘my neighbours’) have moved and the new comer is doing a complete makeover to the house. All floorings must be raised. Tiles on the wall must be taken down. Wiring must be pulled out from all corners. In short, everything needs to be re-done!

We had planned to go everywhere and anywhere the kids wanted to, so long as we are NOT in the house. We planned to stay OUT till night falls. There is a Mandarin saying, “Men’s prediction can never be compared to Heaven’s plan.” (ren-shuan-bu-ru-tian-shuan)

Keatkeat’s ‘morning‘ sinus lasted longer than it normally does. He was all teary from the sneezes throughout his 4hours in school. We had no choice but to bring him home for medication and put the boy down to rest.

The ‘Grrrrgggggrrrrrr‘ and ‘TaaTeetgrrrrrrrr‘ can be pretty droning too. Keatkeat had no problem falling asleep and Binbin, who had no intention to bring forward his noon nap, became sleepy too.

*Deep Breath* Its night time now. All is quiet, all is calm. But tomorrow will come another round. When will this end? Well, the renovation-approval notice said “ONE MONTH“!  *faint*

Copyright © 2007-2024 All About Your Child. The contents on this blog are the sole property of the author, Angeline Foong, and may not be used or reproduced in any manner without consent. All Rights Reserved. 19 Comments »