Got this tag from Cendrine. It isn’t easy for someone like me who is so used to elaborate writing…but I’m taking up the challenge anyhow…

1.) Write your own six word memoir.
2.) Post it on your blog; include a visual illustration if you’d like.
3.) Link to the person that tagged you in your post, and to the original post if possible.
4.) Tag at least five more blogs with links.
5.) Leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play!

Before you read mine, allow me to share my Dad’s 6 word memoir.
“Trust No Man, Believe No Woman”

This has always been his teaching. If you read My Story, you know I will always go the direct opposite direction from whatever he say or do. So I’ve been very trusting towards everyone I meet, but I often ended up hurt and wounded. And whenever that happens, I will think of his six word memoir and struggle within me, not to live with that principle, even though my experiences have been proving his ‘theory’ Right.

So after being betrayed so many times in life. My revised version from my dad’s memoir is….

From the way people (whom you trust) handle your trust, you can tell how worthy you are in their hearts.

I’m tagging Erin, LZmommy, Melissa, Blessed Mum and Sting (But I’ve got a feeling some of you may have done this before…hmmm..)