menuYes! It was today and only today! Did you miss it? 12pm to 7pm. I want to thank Cendrine for doing the blog post, or else I would never have known.

This was also my way of APOLOGISING WITH ACTIONS to my 4 year old for ELBOWING him (in yesterday’s post) *laugh* Damn! I’m still giggling. Oh Shut Up!

When something is free, QQQQQQQQ is expected. We were at the branch in Vivo City. Our imagination ran wild when we saw WHERE THE QUEUE actually started…. OUTSIDE!!! At the playground.


Though it was pretty crazy, the wait was only 30mins.

We took 4 cones: 1 Chocolate. 2 Chocolate Fudge Brownie. 1 Chocolate Macadamia.

binBinbin had no problem licking the rapid melting ice-cream.

kitKeatkeat, as usual, needed assistance.

But our praises for Binbin soon crashed to the ground like his scoop. See that ‘shit-look-alike’ thing on the floor?

So I had no choice but gave him my yummy Chocolate Macadamia. He didn’t enjoy it as much as his Chocolate Fudge Brownie.

So was it a good gesture to redeem myself for what happened yesterday?

No….when we were done, Binbin was complaining that his knee was in pain.

“Did you fall and hurt your knee?” I asked, not remembering he did.

In the unhappiest tone: “NO! My knee very pain because I eat too much ice-cream!”
