Super Sunday
Child, Parenting January 11th, 2010How was your Sunday? Mine was Superb!
To some, having a routine Sunday gathering with my in-laws cannot be that exciting after so many years, they are WRONG!
Some Sundays are hhhmmm…. not much, some were tearful, some were joyful and others were like yesterday > Fantastico! *giggle*
The act of a routine may be mundane, but its the PEOPLE that makes the difference.
My eldest niece’s swimming coach was sick, hence her usual disappearance for those 3-4hours were replaced with laughter playing with her cousins. We went from playgrounds to playgrounds. A little playground craze we were in!
My 2nd BIL and I were with the 5 energetic kids (little W.D. did not come along). Playing with them on the swing and see-saw really makes us feel like children again. Super Fun! 2nd SIL lifted the spirits even higher by suggesting a Hot Fudge spree in the midst of all the perspiration. *Grin*
Waiting for us back home was seafood feast! MIL fried fish, cooked crayfish and crabs. Yum!
What a way to end the first week of school start the New Year! Love It! *Muack*
January 11th, 2010 at 9:48 pm
wow! that’s really a wonderful Sunday!
January 12th, 2010 at 12:34 am
I LOVE sundays like that! Glad you started off the week so nicely :-)
January 18th, 2010 at 2:15 pm
Ohh…my Sunday that week was great too! When to the park with the kids for some fun which we actually stop for too long due to busy schedule. Just blog bout that too. ;-)
.-= mnhl´s last blog ..Inhaling fresh air again =-.