How was your Sunday? Mine was Superb!

To some, having a routine Sunday gathering with my in-laws cannot be that exciting after so many years, they are WRONG!

Some Sundays are hhhmmm…. not much, some were tearful, some were joyful and others were like yesterday > Fantastico! *giggle*

The act of a routine may be mundane, but its the PEOPLE that makes the difference.

My eldest niece’s swimming coach was sick, hence her usual disappearance for those 3-4hours were replaced with laughter playing with her cousins. We went from playgrounds to playgrounds. A little playground craze we were in!

My 2nd BIL and I were with the 5 energetic kids (little W.D. did not come along). Playing with them on the swing and see-saw really makes us feel like children again. Super Fun! 2nd SIL lifted the spirits even higher by suggesting a Hot Fudge spree in the midst of all the perspiration. *Grin*

Waiting for us back home was seafood feast! MIL fried fish, cooked crayfish and crabs. Yum!

What a way to end the first week of school start the New Year! Love It! *Muack*