Remember my blog post about the ‘weird‘ song choice for Binbin’s Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony dance performance? See blog post “Starlight Moonlight ~ Secret

Finally, Binbin’s teacher has completed the choreography of their dance moves. Here’s Binbin showing us…

Allan and I still feel that an English song choice would be better, so that the kids can sing and dance to it; thus improving their facial expressions… Oh well, so long as Binbin enjoyed it, that’s all it matters. *smile*

In comparison to his elder brother’s Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony dance performance 2 years ago, Binbin’s dance is so much more difficult! So many different actions! Compare it with Keatkeat’s easy performance in 2009, over here at this blog post “Graduation Ceremony Rehearsal

As if its not ‘tough’ enough, Binbin and some of his friends, together with Kindergarten 2 children from another school is having a joint musical performance too. See his Xylophone practice here “Musically Talented Child?