Andrew&June gave me these 2 awards. Thank you! *muack* Wow! One on each hand, my hands are full now!

This blogsphere is truly an amazing place. Where friendships grow between people who have never met before. We laugh, hurt, smile, cry and share daily moments with each other, almost like a family. There are so many of you who have become such true friends. I am thankful, indeed. I am giving the following award to the list of friends below, they are not in any particular order. Thank you for your friendship.

Erin, Blessed Mum, LZmommy, Cendrine, Ethan’s Mommy, Dominique, Ling, KM, Jarrett’s Mommy, KiNiGu, Sting, Suhanya, Jaime, Janice, Kim, Ann, Beck, Hairline Fracture, Toni, Juliana, Magpie, Melissa, Tammy, JCK, Tina, Shemah, Connie, Amanda, Slouching Mom, Sandra, Sharon, Janet, Cheryl, Mary Anne and not forgetting Andrew&June, who gave me this award.