The Sociable 6s

Child, Development Stages, Parenting, Preschool


Short Attention Span Easily distracted, children at this age cannot concentrate too long on any one task.

Highly Active and Restless Fidgety and restless, six-year-olds have so much energy that they simply can’t sit still. They are always engaged in active play like running, jumping or tugging.

Eager to Learn They take an interest in everything around them, from wriggly worms to stars in the sky. Reading books, enacting stories and watching cartoons are high on their list of favourite activities.

Highly Competitive They are keen to compete in games and play and are very sensitive about it. In fact, most of them at this age are sore losers.

Strong Gender Affinity There is strong preference for friends and playmates of the same sex at this stage. Tips for Handling Six-year-olds

  • Develop in your child an interest of things in nature. Encourage him to collect sea shells, rock, etc. Stop to look at worms and insects together.
  • Introduce lots of books, tapes, songs, educational videos to your child.
  • Allow time for outdoor activities and things that hold his interests.
  • Teach your child how to play and compete in group games. Emphasise more on the values of group effort, team spirit and having a good time rather than on winning.

With this, it completes your understanding of your child from age 2 to 6 over the past week of posts…hope this helps.

When you understand your child’s behaviour, you can communicate better, react better, listen better and respond more appropriately. Frustrations is the result of lack of understanding and communication breakdown…avoid that.

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Copyright © 2007-2024 All About Your Child. The contents on this blog are the sole property of the author, Angeline Foong, and may not be used or reproduced in any manner without consent. All Rights Reserved. No Comments »

The Fascinating 5s

Child, Development Stages, Parenting, Preschool


Although KeatKeat and BinBin are no where near 5 year old, but I have seen so many 5-year-olds displaying the following characteristics, through my 3 years of helping out in a Child Care Centre, My nieces Cheng Han and Cheng Yee and my nephew Matin.

Seriously, I can’t wait till my boys are five, cos’ I am already so amazed by the little things they do and say everyday….I can’t imagine what more Fascinating Things the can do when they are 5.

Language Skills As they are good in language skills now, children love to talk, tell stories and quiz adults with wild questions.

High Initiative Five-year-olds are usually the first to start a conversation or to try new things.

Vigorous and Noisy Group Games Noisy and vigorous, these children enjoy games and play in groups of their own age.

Need for Approval Approval and acceptance are all important at this stage, so there is a definite desire to please and cooperate with both parents and teachers.

Sense of Responsibilities They feel ‘grown-up’ when they perform little tasks and duties and are always eager to help mum and dad to things like setting the table or washing the car.

Tips for Handling Five-year-olds

  • Plan time for conversation with your child. Read stories together. Encourage them to tell stories or share jokes with one another.
  • Recognise good work and reward them appropriately.
  • Organise games for their participation and do encourage them to join in group games. Put aside watching TV and get them out for the exercise they need.
  • Provide children with responsibilities in the house such as setting the table, drying dishes, picking toys, etc.

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Copyright © 2007-2024 All About Your Child. The contents on this blog are the sole property of the author, Angeline Foong, and may not be used or reproduced in any manner without consent. All Rights Reserved. No Comments »