Ooops! Ooops again!

Funny Moments

On the escalator, Binbin was ‘training’ his balancing skills as it moves upwards. Leaning back and forth repeatedly on the edge of the steps.

Me (Serious Tone): “Binbin! Are you suppose to move about like that when you are on the escalator?!”

Binbin: “But I’m holding VEeeeerrrryyy TighT already!”

Me (Ready to turn into an even more Serious Tone): “BIN BIN…”

Before I could continue, droplets of saliva splashed onto his face…*face red*

Binbin: “Aiyoooo, Mommy! Your saliva make my face all wet leh!!! Like washing my face leh!!!” as he brushes off my saliva with his tiny hand.

Me: “Sorry…sorry.. sorry…” trying very hard to control my laughter as I reached for the tissue paper in my bag… *giggle*

Anger was turned into embarrassment and guiltiness immediately!

My Binbin is well-known for his loudness, so everyone around heard it! Its public alright?!!!

*face red*


My boys and I were napping together.

In my dream, I was driving. A red car dashed into my lane and WHAMP! we collided. Allan (in the dream) screamed at me: “Be CAREFUL!!!” But I couldn’t stop my car (like in all dreams) and I kept crashing onto more cars. Allan pulled my left arm really tight, I wanted to shake him off.

WHAMP! My elbow hit his face! He wailed!….*huh*

NO!!! It wasn’t him!

It was Binbin!!!


In my semi-consciousness, Binbin wailed: “Mommy! Why you beat me???!!”

Fighting to ‘Wake Up’……

When I was completely awake, I realised I woke my rooster boy from his nap with my elbow and his lips were BLEEDING!!!

Yes, Binbin was lying on my left side and (in my dreams) Allan was on my left side too! (Its right-hand drive in Singapore)


I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time… was just too funny, yet to have hurt my 4 year old so badly in my unconsciousness made me feel so terrible…


Sorry Baby Binbin, really! Sorry….

Damn! I’m still giggling as I type…. I’m so terrible!

Copyright © 2007-2024 All About Your Child. The contents on this blog are the sole property of the author, Angeline Foong, and may not be used or reproduced in any manner without consent. All Rights Reserved. 18 Comments »

Kid’s Talk 3

Child, Funny Moments, kids talk

Keatkeat: “Papa, you’ve got a friend called Godfrey right?”

Papa: “Yes, why?”

Keatkeat: “He likes to play golf when he is free? That’s why he is called Godfrey?”

**my 5 year old doesn’t know how the name is spelled.

Copyright © 2007-2024 All About Your Child. The contents on this blog are the sole property of the author, Angeline Foong, and may not be used or reproduced in any manner without consent. All Rights Reserved. 15 Comments »