Happy 10th Birthday Han!

Special Moments

We celebrated my eldest niece’s 10th birthday at Kidz Amaze, a place that makes children laugh and cry. I was one big kid who ‘cried’. Will talk more about our skin abrasion in the next blog post. As for now, its all about my eldest niece, Han. *hugs*

I promise you that this is going to be a short post, ‘cos I cannot rest my wrist down to type (due to the skin abrasion), and its tiring to type this way.

Alright, back to Kidz Amaze, even the birthday girl was hurt, look:-

My 2nd SIL also booked a BBQ pit at the same place, where we had our yummy dinner and cake cutting session:


Copyright © 2007-2024 All About Your Child. The contents on this blog are the sole property of the author, Angeline Foong, and may not be used or reproduced in any manner without consent. All Rights Reserved. 2 Comments »

KeatKeat’s 7th Birthday!

Places Kids Love, Special Moments

keatcakeOh man! Never thought I would take so long to post this up. All thanks to the Mummy of the birthday boy who forgot to charge her handphone! So all photos were taken from his daddy’s handphone. The funny thing is…. none of our PC and laptop are willing to ‘talk’ to his handphone! *faint*

So in the end, I had to transfer all the videos and photos from his to mine using bluetooth! Thank goodness bluetooth was invented!

Alright, enough of rumblings….

Keatkeat had a blast on his birthday on 2nd November! But when the clock struck 12 midnight, we had our usual family cake cutting celebration, even though he is having his last final year examination paper that day…

Note:The female voice in the video is my sis’s, not mine. I prefer to be silent when videoing… *wink*

We wanted to choose a more ‘interesting’ cake this year. We took a long time to find that special cake shop and Keatkeat took an even longer time to choose the cake….

In the end….

The Chief is on Leave for the next 2 days! Oh man! Because of that, the cake would not be ready in time! *faint*

keatcake1So we went back to a familiar shopping center and patronized a different cake shop for the first time.

Keatkeat chose chocolate sponge and mango fillings. Well, the rest think its ok, but the birthday boy did not like it. *pout*

On his actual day, we brought the kids to Polliwogs for the 2nd time. But this time, a little more special, Allan and I brought all the Loh Family Kiddos down except for the youngest W.D.

Totally no adults! *clap clap clap*

Oh well, none of my nieces considered us as adults anyway. They think we are more like over-grown kids. *huge laugh*

Allan went so crazy towards the last hour before Polliwogs closed for the day. He was chasing the 5 children all over the play area, running up and down, causing glass-breaking screaming from the 3 girls in the enclosed place. *faint*

The screaming were so high pitched that I had to stop him from playing with them. Guess what did the kid-in-man’s-body said?!
“Isn’t playing with kids supposed to be noisy???”

*super faint*

“Well yes, but not when the level of noise is affecting everyone else in this ‘shared’ place.” I snapped.

We took several photos, but my favourite has to be the one BELOW, which was taken at the outdoor. They were sitting on top of the 1 storey high ballooned slide; just seconds before they slided down at super speed….


You can see how high the slide is, in my previous post on Polliwogs: Children Having Fun at The Polliwogs. To me, its quite a scary height to slide down…

After hours of fun at The Polliwogs, we went to my in-law’s house for a pizza cum prawn noodle plus curry dinner, followed by a cake cutting session.


We did not stay for long as Keatkeat was too eager to go home to open all his presents….



Copyright © 2007-2024 All About Your Child. The contents on this blog are the sole property of the author, Angeline Foong, and may not be used or reproduced in any manner without consent. All Rights Reserved. 4 Comments »