“Monday is English examination day and he has problem constructing a sentence. Has problem with grammer, vocabulary, tenses…etc etc. He is poor in Mathematics too! And he is still very dreamy!”
Those words were from Keatkeat’s Teacher yesterday. We were not informed of any examinations at all.
So in a way, I thank her for the complains, ‘cos if it had not been that, then I would NEVER have known about the examination. *Wink*
So how do you handle Teacher’s Complaints? Its not all that bad, find the positive side of the complain and your heart will not be heavy. *smile*
Later did we found out that Keatkeat has double performance standard. What he can do at home, he cannot in school. This is something that I do not know how to improve unless I sit in school with him for a day (which is NOT allowed), to find out what made the difference.
Hhhmmm…… this is one puzzle yet to be solved.
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