Worth Recording

Child, Health, Parenting


My 8year old niece, ZY, finally got what she wanted – her very own email address. Guess who she sent her first email to? *laugh* – Her Favourite ShenShen (Auntie) – good old ME!

Seriously, I think it would be a great way to improve her English, which is pretty worrying for her level right now. On top of that, she can pour her heart out and vent her frustrations anytime she wants, instead of waiting till  she sees me on Sunday. And more often than not, she doesn’t really have the chance for a quiet heart to heart talk when so many are around every week.


briefFinally I have decided to start Keatkeat with briefs. More than a year ago, my sis suggested that ‘Its Time‘, but I wasn’t keen. I wanted his little ‘elephant trunk‘ to grow freely for another year or so before the ‘protection‘ begins.

In another 6 months, my elder one will be in Primary School. Truly, NOW, the time has come. He was excited, partly because his brief has his favourite Transformer picture on it – Optimus Prime. *wink*

Today is the 2nd day, no reminders needed. He just picked another piece of his newly-purchased brief this morning and slipped into it without any fuss before he pulled up his usual shorts.

When a kid is READY to be trained, its easy peasy for the parents. *Whoo-Hoo*


reviewBinbin went for his 4year old assessment this morning. My greatest fear might be coming true.

Binbin had a 12-1 for his left eye and 9-1 for his right. I asked what the numbers meant and the doctor told me: “12 means: what normal people with normal vision can see in 12metres, he can only see in 6metres. And the right eye ‘9’ gives the same explanation”

I asked: “Is myopia hereditary?” I know I’ve checked this question on Google so many times and I had even done a blog post on it. But with a myopic of 900+ on both his Mommy’s eyes, I just want to be 100% sure. Silly me.

He replied calmly: “To certain extend, Yes. But Environmental issues also play a part. Singapore has the highest number of children with myopia in the world. Studies have shown that the kids in Singapore tend to do more indoor activities like watching television, playing computer games, reading…. But research also have shown that sunlight have some positive effect on the retina, hence its advisable for the kids to be OUT playing in the sun at least 15mins every day.”

Hey hey, that last 2 sentences were something new to me. So I’m glad I was being ‘silly’ and asked that questioned. *wink*

He continued to advise me to bring Binbin back for another eye-check in 3-6 months time. ‘Cos the numbers shown were considered borderline cases, it may stablise or worsen. *sigh*

So till then, my fingers and toes are crossed tightly….

Copyright © 2007-2024 All About Your Child. The contents on this blog are the sole property of the author, Angeline Foong, and may not be used or reproduced in any manner without consent. All Rights Reserved. 7 Comments »

The Journey Has Begun

Child, Parenting, School-study

1My in-laws gave us a surprise visit on last Saturday. Luckily the house was still pretty much in order. *phew*

I thought, this would make a great topic for the first page on Keatkeat’s Journal. Instead, before I could suggest it after our dinner, he walked up to me and asked: “Mommy, Can you draw a T-Rex for me?”

Whoo-Hoo! Its ALWAYS easier to get a child to follow your instructions when it was HIM who initiated the act. The level of interest, commitment and concentration is often tip-top. *wink*

But I have not bought the book for him yet and I don’t want to miss this chance because of some silly stubborn belief of ‘must start proper’. I’m a flexible Mommy. So long as the goal is attained, HOW it is done is not an issue.

2What’s the difference between a book and a piece of paper anyway?! ‘Cos I can file the papers up too, infact he prefers his work to be SEEN than be kept in a book or file.

And so the Journey to a ‘New Way’ of promoting his interest in Writing, Spelling, Punctuation of both languages and training his motor skills through colouring and writing has began.

4The following day, he SUGGESTED “Mommy, can you draw something for me everyday? So that I can colour and write and hang up ‘there’ so that everyone can see?!”

*Scream* That was AMAZING! He suggested that it should BECOME a Routine!!!

3It seems that its really working….
He loved the special attention I gave him during this ‘Journal’ time.
He loved the control given to him to DECIDE what should be drawn.

He loved the fact that he could CHOOSE what colours to go on it.
He loved the recognition and praises he received when his masterpiece was high up for all to see.
He loved it!

Ok, let’s hope this passion stays really long…

So now that the academic is settled. I’m still finding ways to settle the behaviour and habits issue mentioned on last Thursday. *sigh*
*One step at a time Angeline, one step at a time…..*

Since 3 weeks ago, I’ve got several new commitments, so much so that my ‘already-quite-weak Time Management skills’ was put to the test. Being slapped with a 30 days School Holidays just made it worse, ‘cos kids don’t nap during holidays.

My normal-easy-to-follow schedule which allows me to complete many tasks, when they are in school and when they are napping, have gone haywire again! Plus having my invigilation duties this week and next, Woah! I’m up to my ears!

Breathing in the new assignments, exhaling the tasks, one by one, I’m trying very hard to slot EVERYTHING into my 18-20hours of awake time. Seems to be quite sufficient eh? No! ‘Cos the kids occupy 90% of that time.

It goes in this order:
I try,
Yet everyday, I’m struggling between Urgent and Important and all those sub-sub-categories in between. I missed you guys. I really do. But by the time I get to Important (like VISITING YOUR Blogs), its usually passED 1am. *sigh* I’m Sorry dear friends…..  from 20-30 per day to 2-3 per day to none…. I’m sorry…I’m trying…

*slap slap* Efficiency Cells! Get down to work FAST please!!!!

*Updated on 4 Jun at 2.20am. My dinosaur in Chinese is WRONG!!! *Laugh* That just prove the point why I didn’t want to be Keatkeat’s Chinese teacher right from the start. So Now I can add one more benefit from doing the Journal, it will help ME to improve MY Chinese!!! *Laugh*

Copyright © 2007-2024 All About Your Child. The contents on this blog are the sole property of the author, Angeline Foong, and may not be used or reproduced in any manner without consent. All Rights Reserved. 26 Comments »