Simple Guide to Discipline Children
Child, Handling Misbehaviour, Parenting, Preschool, ToddlerCommunicate
When your child does something wrong, talk to him calmly about the rule he has broken. Ask him to tell you the correct behaviour expected. Let him know your expectations. Next, tell him the consequences of his misbehaviour.
Compliment with action
Rewarding can take the form of praising, noting positive behaviour and occasional treat of gift. In this way, good behaviour is reinforced. However, do not let your child assume that he should be materially rewarded for his good behaviour.
“Quiet Time”
Isolating is when you put the child away for a brief period of time until he agrees to behave but this should not be for too long. It will also give you time to regain control of the situation. Some ways of isolation are standing in a corner and staying alone in a room. Reconciliation should follow to reassure the child.
There are two main forms of penalties:
1) Deprivation – refers to withdrawal of privileges eg. no watching of cartoons.
2) Impose Responsibilities – especially for older children; they can be made to clean up the mess they created or be given extra chores…(then mummy can rest..*wink*)
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