MIL prepared a Popiah feast when we were at her house for our usual Sunday family gathering. Its DIY day and it also means its ‘play-with-your-food’ day for the 6 kids! Errr… actually no. Its only for 4 kiddos.

3 year old W.D. is too young to do it and 6 year old Keatkeat was not interested. This is not the first time MIL is doing this, but for one reason or another I would missed the chance to capture the children’s popiah creation.

So this time, phone camera ready at hand and I shoooooooooooooooot away:

[I didn’t put in the dialogues because TOO MANY PEOPLE were talking at the same time (except me). *laugh*]

From the video, you can also tell who is the ‘most’ talkative one in the family… *HUGE LAUGH*