No one likes a bad habit. Definitely not a habit like yesterday’s post on the “Toddler Smoking Habits”.

But what if A habit is done subconsciously? Can any habit be done subconsciously? Because it was done so frequently, the person does not even realise that he or she is doing it?

Alright, what in the world am I trying to say….

Keatkeat has a ‘habit‘ of farting in the car. It is EXTREMELY annoying when the 3 of us have to wind down our windows 2-4 times over a 20mins car ride.

I remember there was once, he was having a farting spree, I had to wind down my window more than 5 times in less than 15mins!!!

I am not sure if the smell of the car makes him feel like farting or was it a subconscious habit of getting attention.

“Excuse me.” is ALL that he said. And All the windows will be down.

The worst part is when we have just wound it up and he said the Next “Excuse Me.” *Eyes Rolled*

Subconscious Habit or a Conscious one? *shrugged*

Did he want to poo? NEVER!!! We have tried so many times, to ask him to go to the toilet after we stopped the car. He can sit in for a good 15mins and NOTHING was ‘bombed’.

Yet, the moment we got back into the car, the farting routine starts again! *Super Eyes Rolled*

We do not put any fragrance in the car, so unless the Natural smell of the car triggers that ‘hole at his rear end to whistle, or else, it would be his mind is in for some ‘smelly fun car rides‘.

Whatever the reason, its definitely pushing his Papa’s anger button each time that habit begins and Mommy dearest would often say “That’s a natural way of removing toxic from our body, when it has to go, it just has to go.”

But when it happens so often and DURING car rides 90% of the time throughout the day, I start to wonder if I’m right. *Pout*

Anyone else has this same issue?