Health February 3rd, 2009Ain’t we lucky or what?!
We had our reunion dinner, completed all our Chinese New Year visitings and had soaked ourselves completely into the festive goodness before Chickenpox decides to get Hong Bao from us too!
So who is the chosen one?
Old folks said that the liquid in the bubbles are toxics from the body. Hooray! (I’m on my knees now) I pray that Keatkeat’s Bronchitis, Hives, Sinisitis and whatever bacteria, germs and viruses will be purged out over the next 14 days! Thereafter, give me back my healthy boy!!! Amen!
This boy has suffered too much since birth. Mind you, he is only 5 years old. Yet, to tell his health problems is as good as writing a story book. Will this be the last? I hope. Yet my left brain tells me, “Dream On”! *pout*
We passed his 14days Medical Cert to his teacher when we brought Binbin to school this morning. An hour later, the school rejected my 3 year old, even though he is perfectly fine. I understand their concerns. So I’ll be home with my 2 boys, just like during the school holidays.
Whoo-hoo! 14 days, I’m home bound. You envy me, don’t you?! *laugh*
To increase your jealousy, I just might be so lucky to extend my ‘home-vacation’ by 2x if my super strong Binbin gets the illness right after Keatkeat recovers! Meaning, 28days!!! Possibility = 101% Wow!!! That’s something to cheer about wouldn’t it?
Tell me that I’m so lucky? Aawww… don’t give me that sad face… I need some Energizers to push me forward….
*Picture Courtesy of Google Images
February 4th, 2009 at 2:18 am
Oh no! Aurora was 6 when she got chicken pox and it was horrible! She cried and was so sick for the longest time. Big hugs!
February 4th, 2009 at 2:50 am
I remember having the Chickenpox when I was 9 and it was during a holiday season and I had to stay by myself and not play with the other kids! My kids have both been vaccinated against chickenpox so they likely will never get it.
Melissas last blog post..Today’s Redbox Code And Review Of The X-Files: I Want To Believe
February 4th, 2009 at 4:07 am
Oh you mean they never got the chicken pox vaccine? I heard that if they are vaccinated, the duration of the illness will be shortened considerably.
February 4th, 2009 at 8:47 am
Arrggghh, very sorry to hear that. But luckily it was after CNY! I pray together with you that all of Keat keat’s viruses and all bad health symptoms will be purged out of his body after his chicken pox and leave him free of sickness forever!
All mothers want our kid to be strong and healthy, don’t we?
*big hugs*
Tins last blog post..Sweet old memories
February 4th, 2009 at 9:27 am
giddy tigress,
no, we didn’t go for the vaccine.
we think that its normal for kids to have chicken pox.
we didn’t want to prevent it.
hmmmm…. I heard that the vaccine will prevent them from having chicken pox.
I didn’t know it was to ‘shorten’ the duration….
February 4th, 2009 at 10:48 am
*charging the energizer battery*
hope binbin will not get it, possible? hang on there!
lings last blog post..Song Sharing Sunday #2
February 4th, 2009 at 11:01 am
its gonna be fine. they will be the better for it….
February 4th, 2009 at 11:45 am
My boys still haven’t got chicken pox. The last time when Zac’s classmates all fall sick one after another due to the pox. Zac is still immune. I actually prefer him to get it when he is younger rather than when he started going to academic schools :)
Janices last blog post..What Amos wore on the FIRST day of CNY … …
February 4th, 2009 at 12:04 pm
Hope KeatKeat will recovers soon…
Fyi, my boy has the jab yet he still get it but it took abt a week for him to recover.
LZmommys last blog post..Bento #115
February 4th, 2009 at 12:27 pm
I remember the chickenpox well… Hope you don’t have to stay in all those days, girl. Soon he will be well! Wishing you all good health!
February 4th, 2009 at 6:08 pm
Oh hon…I know Keatkeat will be fine soon.Don’t you worry…
I have been there and I know how tough it is…
*big hug*!
Sandras last blog post..My fav shoes!…
February 4th, 2009 at 8:27 pm
Hey Angeline. Don’t worry.. Itz nothing to worry abt .In India itz quite common during the hot summer..but they believe once it comes then it never resurfaces…though we Indians get vaccinated for Measles seperately (even Yuv got his extra shot) though getting a Chicken pox shot n MMR … but m a rare human being who has got it more than 6 times in my life.. Itz ok as long as it doesn’t leave any visible marks.. but otherwise nothing to worry dear.. keep him on a cool diet..nothing heaty…Itz how itz in India..we are made to eat almost everything that is of Yoghurt..very lil salt..jus to say therez salt in it..:)Dont worry..HUGZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
February 4th, 2009 at 8:52 pm
it’s better to get chicken pox younger than older! it’s easier to manage and easier to control the diet for children. you know lah, old people say must stay clear of colourings and “toxic food”. i was on cheese and bread and plain porridge for almost 1.5 months or so!!! my mom made bamboo plus dunno-what liang teh for me to “purge out all toxics in my body”. my pox went full fledge and I literally looked like a toad.
you try to catch as much sleep as you can too, while looking after your boy. :)
February 4th, 2009 at 8:52 pm
how come you sounded so excited and happy??! I remembered when my girl caught it, *gosh* I was so stressed up trying to separate her from her siblings!!!
February 4th, 2009 at 8:54 pm
Oh..hope Keatkeat recover without any scar and pain. Take care
February 4th, 2009 at 10:08 pm
Blessed mom,
‘cos its something that I believe its gonna be sooner or later.
now that he has it before he goes to the ‘Big’ school, its a blessing.
Imagine he got it when he is taking his PSLE, how horrible would that be?
February 4th, 2009 at 10:31 pm
Wow, i never thought about it like that :)
February 4th, 2009 at 10:46 pm
Oh my goodness! I hope you son will recover soon. Poor thing! Hang in there!
I was only 3 when I had chickenpox so I don’t remember it.
Oh, I made the video public for a couple of weeks so you can see it now. Maybe it will be entertaining for Keatkeat while he is sick!
Ambers last blog post..A Vikees Production
February 4th, 2009 at 11:14 pm
nope, not worried.
just heartache to see my boy suffering (again).
what you believe and do in India is very similar here too…
poor thing you… 6x?! Wow!
February 5th, 2009 at 12:42 am
thanks goodness it is after CNY. Hope keat keat will be able to purge out the ‘toxin’ like u said and I think it is better to get it sooner than later. Hang in there !
February 5th, 2009 at 4:37 am
ALL that quality time! ALL that snuggling! Oh, you are definitely one lucky mama. Sorry the boy(s) are sick, though.
February 6th, 2009 at 10:18 am
Good luck making it through. Hope you are are right and all his troubles go away with the sores!
Tonis last blog post..
February 7th, 2009 at 4:46 pm
yes, the vaccine is to make the chicken pox effect not as bad. I know of kids who have had chicken pox after getting the vaccines and it took them only about 4-5 days to recover completely.
giddy tigresss last blog post..Ethan is three years old!