Never did I expect to write this post
A post about Binbin
A boy who loves to eat fruits
and vegetables too
A boy who has no fear in trying new food
or drinks even if the colour looked weird
A boy who has always been praised for his appetite

5 days ago
4 spoonful of porridge made him gagged
thereafter, every meal became a challenge
A challenge to get the food pass his throat
Since Saturday,
My younger one hardly eats more than a teething baby
starting on solid
This morning,
even a bite into his favourite chocolate did not work

Its time.
Its time to visit the doctor
To find out if its a psychological problem or a physical issue
We did suspect that it was psychological because other than meal time, he is a happy lad
Jumping, Laughing out loud, climbing up and down, yelling at his brother for playing with his ‘Hot Wheels’ without asking his permission….

Gastritis – so said the doctor
Medicine given
Observation period began
If conditions did not improve
Further consultation would be needed

So fingers crossed for now
2kg gone in 5 days is a Warning sign not to be dismissed
Let’s hope the next post for on Binbin would be a celebration post

*toes crossed too now *

***Photo courtesy of Wikipedia