Sick-Filled School Break
Health August 11th, 2010Yesterday ended the super-long-weekend school break. The boys were in school on Friday 6th for a short 2 hours National Day Celebration. My afternoon-session boy, Keatkeat had to wake up at 6am+ just for that special day. Waking the boys up on special occasions like these is easy peasy. Because of the excitement, they jumped out of bed with just ‘one call’. *smile*
Friday 6th August to Tuesday 10th August — All thanks to Singapore National Day, the boys had 5 school-less days…. but not much fun either…
It was as if the hype was too hot for them. My prone-to-sickness boy came home with cough after the celebration and eventually turned into his ‘good friend’ — Bronchitis.
2 days later, even my hardly-fall-sick Binbin fell prey to flu and was down with fever. I have to say that though he was burning at 39.+ degree, he was still giggling and very alert. Without a thermometer, you would never believe he is sick. *smile* He is just an amazing little fellow.
Its so rare to see Binbin sick that even my MIL called to check on him. Errr… its also a little sad because Keatkeat is sick so often, the attention was not on him at all. Ooops!
Binbin is still unwell due to viral infection and is snoring away, as I type this post, after his medication.
So his super long weekend school break extended for another day. Yup, today no school for him still, 6 days in a row. Here’s crossing my fingers and toes that he would be all good by tomorrow…..
August 12th, 2010 at 3:26 pm
blame in on the super terrible weather! We were down with cough/ sore throats and slight fever too but luckily, we recovered before NDP. Hope Binbin is alright now.
August 13th, 2010 at 10:21 am
hope bin has recovered already.
you take care too!
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