Over the past 2 sessions at PuddleWorld, I noticed that Kitkit was not as thrilled as Binbin. Even many hours or days after each session, Binbin would still talk about what happened in the ‘playroom‘, but not Kitkit.

Yet, this third session at PuddleWorld, I saw the change in Kitkit. He was more engaged in the conversation of “What happened at PuddleWorld today?” during the car ride home.

He rattled on and told me that they had acquired 3 more ‘Special Powers’ today.

  1. Come Back“When we don’t know the answer to a question, we will go away and think of the solution, then COME BACK to solve it later.”
  2. Quiet House “When we want to do something private, we use Quiet House”
  3. Magic Bubble “When we go for exams and we feel very nervous, then we use “Magic Bubble” to make us feel better.

Next week will be their last session at PuddleWorld. Kitkit said he wants to give each of the coach something. Well, let’s see if he said it in a spur of a moment (which he often does), or he would really get that done.



PuddleWorld – Day 3 of 4