Binbin: “Mummy, my tooth is dropping. (pointing at it) This one, see? This one!”

Me: “But its not shaking. Before it can drop, it needs to become shaky first. Remember Gorgor’s (big brother) tooth?”

Binbin: “But I know it is dropping!”

Me: “Why are you so sure?”

Binbin: “Because it tastes different!”

Me *laugh*: “How does a soon-to-drop tooth tastes like?”

Binbin: “It tastes like dirt! Like the sticky thing under the snail. Very slimy.”

Me *laugh*: “Oh! You mean you have tasted the slimy thing under the snail before? How do you know how it tastes like?”

Binbin: “I imagine lah!”

Me *laugh*: “Oh is it?! Then how does the other normal teeth taste like?”

Binbin: “Normal teeth taste like tooth taste lah!”


***for the sake of my non-Singaporean readers, ‘lah’ is an expressive word used by Singaporean. Check ‘Singlish‘ in Wikipedia.