Happy 4th Blogoversary!
Special Moments October 22nd, 2011I nearly missed doing this blog post just like what happened last year. There wasn’t any ‘Happy 3rd Blogoversary’ post at all, because I have totally forgotten. *laugh* Was trying to keep up with a new time schedule last year, when Keatkeat started his Primary School life for the first time.
Yes, it was a mess last year!
This year, what’s my excuses? *laugh*
I am sick. The symptoms reminded me of my 13days of hospitalisation. Read here.
Today, feeling a little better, I decided to do a short post just to congratulate this humble little corner of mine ‘All About Your Child‘ a
Happy 4th Blogoversary!
It almost could not make it this far because of server issue with the service provider… but all is well now, so no point talking about the negative things. Always looking forward and staying happy is my motto!
Happy 4th Blogoversary!