1a11b11c1 My very first Mothers’ Day present from Binbin.

He stringed up the necklace and I wore it around my neck the whole time,  at home, after he passed it to me, on Friday.

The words on the heart-shaped were written by his teacher (Obvious).

Though my Binbin’s development is more advanced than his peers, its obvious that the words on the front of the card were written by the teacher.

So the only ‘personal touch’ was the colouring, the words INSIDE THE CARD and the ‘Me’ at the back of the card.

Binbin said I was winking, that’s why one of the eye is not black in colour…. *wink wink*

I’m surprised that there were nothing from Keatkeat’s class this year.

Anyhow, I’m still a Happy Mommy, ‘cos its the presence of my boys that matters, not their presents.

Happy Mothers’ Day to all Mommies!!!