Here We Go Again
Child, Health, Parenting April 9th, 2009My Warrior’s ‘Old Buddy’ – Bronchitis came back on Tuesday. I was trying soooo hard to prevent ‘his’ visit but failed.
When there are lots of rain and sun, when temperature fluctuates between burning hot or way cool within a day, Keatkeat’s sinus will get really serious. Yes yes the 7 months of my struggle with his sinus has ended, but the patient himself is still battling with it every morning.
Usually, after a morning bath, disappear behind school doors, 4 hours later, upon fetching my 5 year old, his Sinus – the ‘Part-Time Lover’ will be gone for the rest of the day. Then the mucusy cycle will repeat itself the next morning again.
Last Friday, when he was still having sniff-sniff snort-snort as he stepped out of class, I knew something was not right. The “Ahhh-Cheee” didn’t stop even though we gave him his favourite syrup over the weekend.
Monday came, still the same. Tuesday came and was worse. His ‘Part-Time Lover’ brought along ‘Old Buddy’ to create a real party!
So here we go again, cough cough cough till he vomits. Occasionally, his coughs and sneezes happen almost at the same time. Whoever was infront of him will know he/she is extremely ‘lucky’ that day to have salivary facial treatment from the preschooler. *eyes rolled*
7 months of sinus-coping training paid off, cos’ he gets to ‘practise‘ every single day. But when it comes to Bronchitis, Woah! Its a whole new sort of training.
Cover your mouth when you cough! Reach for the dustbin quickly, which we have a few at the most accessible places, BEFORE you vomit! Turn your head away from your food (and ours! Oh please!) when you cough! Though its pretty similar to the ‘sinus-training’, HE JUST CAN’T GET IT!!!
He vomited his 2 mouthful of porridge on Tuesday evening, his 100 ml of milk later at night and couldn’t get anything down his throat thereafter. Did I worry that he would be hungry? Nah… but I do double check with him every now and then.
Cos’ the first day of the party is often the MOST phlegmy. Too thick, too irritating, too disturbing. Forcing anything down would only be asking for trouble. Without food, he still holds on to the small dustbin or runs to the basin to vomit his phlegm out.
I did not give him anti-vomit medicine, cos he feels better after vomiting those thick colourless slimy stuff each time. And that’s what I learn after many trials, that the more he vomits the faster he gets well, even though its really painful to watch… I’ve stopped watching by the way, just listening to it…
So no school for him yesterday and today, guess he will be too weak anyway. Thank God for Good Friday and Thank God that its tomorrow! So he doesn’t need to bring back more school work!
When weather become so extreme, I get bloodstains on my hands from slapping the ‘CassanovaS‘ and I get to clean up vomits with these pair of bloodstained hands too. For 3 days now, though daytime are almost unbearable without the fan (Wind worsens his cough) AND nights are awfully disturbing as temperature decreases as the intensity of the cough increases, I consider myself lucky this time for not having to wake up at 3am mopping his vomits like the previous battle.
It pains my heart when I see him hunching even more from coughing, but when you have encountered such scenes for 3 years now, you are no longer in the worried zone, but the, “Damn! I’m the Mommy, give me that! Don’t do it to my son!”
Yesterday he was able to swallow 5 spoonful of *beh-tai-muk* with soup for lunch and dinner. Today is better, half a bowl of porridge and it stayed in the tummy long enough to be FULLY DIGESTED before the next round of vomits began. Hmmm… maybe because I’m so good at cooking food-for-the-sick. *laugh*
This time, Keatkeat is also more willing to drink warm water and that helps alot! The phlegm are more diluted, hence easier to cough it out, sparing the energy needed to ‘force’ them out through vomiting.
Anyhow, he is still in the sniff-sniff snort-snort cough-cough state. But whenever there are brief seconds he is not, he is his usual cheeky self, twitching his eyebrows and winking at me (like now, as I type)
Still, Shoo Shoo…. bring back the more predictable weather please???
*short. white. fatter than noodle stuff. made from flour.*
April 10th, 2009 at 12:17 am
yes, he will definitely feel better after each vomit with phelgm, even though how heartache we will not want to see the poor child vomit, that’s how he will feel better.
I agree the weather has been very crazy!
shoo shoo buddy go away! little keatkeat wants to feel good.
April 10th, 2009 at 3:36 am
Now come to think of it, the vomit does help. I remember my friend’s daughter who had bronchitis and the doc actually gave some sort of medicine to induce vomitting. Really hope keat keat gets well soon. he is really brave.
April 10th, 2009 at 10:29 am
Get well soon KK…the vomiting helps even in many other cases… a vomit is better than to hold it at bay..U feel u are cleared of whatever was holding in… Hugz to KK :)
Suhanyas last blog post..Thursday fragments
April 10th, 2009 at 12:15 pm
I’m so sorry, Angeline. You’ve really been having a tough time this past winter/spring. Poor Keat Keat! Poor you!
JCKs last blog post..Is it because in her I see an extension of myself?
April 10th, 2009 at 8:01 pm
oh! poor child… but I would say how cheerful and brave boy you have… he will be fine, I know its easy to say but surely he will…
April 10th, 2009 at 11:02 pm
Oh, the poor little guy! My oldest is prone to lung things, too.
I’ve tagged you at my place.
April 11th, 2009 at 1:15 am
Oh no!…Poor lil’thing….And poor you too…Hope he gets better soon!… :)
Love ya girl!Happy Easter!
Sandras last blog post..Wordless Wednesday–25th Edition
April 11th, 2009 at 1:50 am
Awww… ewww… and everything in between; ’cause I know exactly what you and he are going through. Out of my four they all have some allergy, sinus and/or broncial thingy going on. It’s heartbreaking and tiring. I’ll be glad when this season is over.
Petulas last blog post..Passing on the bling
April 11th, 2009 at 3:08 pm
Poor child, hope he gets well soon!
Did you use the nebuliser?
I use nebuliser everytime the kids cough, especially with phelgm. Can see the effect quite fast. PD says must use continuously for three days to see its effect. Since I always need to rent the machine from the PD, I thought I might as well invest in the whole machine, more worthwhile in the long run.
Tins last blog post..Underwater World
April 12th, 2009 at 10:15 am
I didn’t leh…
maybe you might think that I’m cruel or stubborn…
but if its still bearable for the kid,
I usually would not turn to stronger medication compared to the usual cough and phlegm medicine given by my family doctor.
‘cos I want the kid to remember that health is very important and it needs to be taken care of during days of ‘no-sickness’.
So I don’t want him to get too comfortable too fast, or he’ll take for granted again.
April 13th, 2009 at 3:05 am
Poor boy. Do you guys have vaporizors over there? They put moisture into the air. I wonder if that would help?
April 13th, 2009 at 12:56 pm
I u’std ur reason for not wanting him to take stronger meds. As long as it doesn’t turn into something serious, then it’s fine. But he’s still a young child, do be extra cautious with ur practice ya. Sorry if I sound too kepoh. It’s really heart-breaking when u c a child going thru all this.
April 13th, 2009 at 4:44 pm
sure thing, girl!
I know what you mean….
When it comes to kids, my risk-taking levels are really low…. *wink*
Trust me,
he’s threshold for this is expanding over the years…
but still, always love your words and thoughts of concern.