I made my Son looked Bad
Child, Parenting April 7th, 2010Being thrifty can be a virtue, but being too thrifty can also cause embarrassment at times….
The strap-holder for Keatkeat’s old watch was lost on the very first day of school. Kids! *eyes rolled*
I tried to find a replacement for him, but to no avail. Thus I used a shortened rubber-band to act as the strap-holder.
Few weeks later, the glass dropped out. It was a super lucky day for Keatkeat to be able to find it back.
Allan and I chose to stick it back with Super-Glue. In the end, the ‘vapour’ or ‘acid’ from the glue blurred the glass.
It was until KeatKeat remarked that he cannot see the numbers clearly, that I realised there was no use in sticking to my ridiculous-thrifty principles, which was leaning more towards stinginess.
[LEFT] This WAS how Keatkeat’s watch looked like before I finally decided to buy him a replacement.
Yes, my 6 year old had been wearing this ‘awful’ watch to school for a number of days before he complained…before stingy Mommy finally decided to buy a new $3.50 watch for him [BELOW]:
April 7th, 2010 at 10:15 pm
Alamahhhhhhhh .. LOL but finally KK got a brand new watch :) good :)
.-= suhanya´s last blog ..” I am so proud of you …. “ =-.
April 7th, 2010 at 10:59 pm
You’re not alone. I’m also like that, will wait till really cannot be used, then I buy new one. But each time my MIL will interfere. She will buy to replace it before anything else happen.
.-= ling´s last undefined ..If you register your site for free at =-.
April 7th, 2010 at 11:16 pm
None of my kids wear watches to school.
April 8th, 2010 at 8:38 am
yeah! keat keat got a new watch liao! ;)
.-= levine´s last blog ..??…???! =-.
April 8th, 2010 at 12:05 pm
agree with you. Being thrifty is good but when its “over”, then its not nice any more.
I’m sure he love the new watch! Its had his fav “CAR” on it! where u got it from?! So cheap and cool.
April 8th, 2010 at 12:47 pm
Oh, can’t be bad to teach kids thrift, right? :) Love the new watch, though. Very cute. I’m impressed that he can wear a watch. Is it waterproof? LOL
.-= JCK´s last blog ..GIRL’s Inspiration =-.
April 8th, 2010 at 3:36 pm
wow…nice watch. Haha…when things can be recycled / self-repaired, why not! What’s important is the sentimental value of that items. :)
.-= mnhl´s last blog ..My FIERCE little girl =-.
April 9th, 2010 at 12:46 am
*laugh* Its not!
Infact, just few days before this post, I had to change the original buckle, because it rusted!
Oh well, what can you expect from a $3.50 watch.
Oh no no no, now with that new buckle which cost $1.00, its value has rose to a $4.50 watch!
April 9th, 2010 at 12:49 am
blessed mom,
from one of those jiap-pa-lang store that sells almost everything under the sun kind.
Guess what, so far, the lifetime of this $3.50 watch is longer than the previous $5.00 watch!
Now who says, quality goes with price??
April 10th, 2010 at 3:23 pm
thrifty is a good virtue
April 12th, 2010 at 7:01 pm
frugality is a virtue.