That’s just sound awfully wrong!

But it seems to explain my case – what I managed to do with the little money I got from my last bazaar.

Take a look at Allan and my wardrobe.

Binbin sleeps right in-front of it every night and noon (he takes naps too)

Nothing unusual?

Let’s take a CLOSER LOOK…

We used carpet-tape to ‘secure’ the sides and the corners of the wardrobe, but can you see that the tape couldn’t really hold it together?

Can you see the piece of wood, ‘going away’ from the tape, between the wardrobe and the wall?

The interior has already gave way.

The back of the wardrobe and the base is about 5cm apart.

It has been in this condition for years now…

Allan and I often sleep with the feeling that we may be woken up in the middle of the night when the wardrobe decides to give-up-its-life and brings my little Binbin along with it to its’ grave.

Worried were we…but we did nothing…we are just to busy clearing all the interest from the debts and bills and food and pure basic living that we had postpone it till now…

Yes, go ahead and label us as bad parents. I’m not going to fight my case, ‘cos I know its a losing battle for us.

But with the little money I got from my last bazaar, I bought the new wardrobe, to prevent the worst nightmare from happening.

I could strike off another item from my if-I-have-extra-money-after-paying-the-usual-I-would-buy-this list of things.

*sigh* We are REALLY terrible parents…Thank God for keeping Binbin safe for so long under such danger….its like a time bomb, you never know WHEN the wardrobe will decide to end its life…but the nightmare is over now…finally!