One at a Time
Child, Health, Parenting August 29th, 2009Warning: If you have not read (at least) the previous 4 posts, you would have NO idea what the hell am I talking about!
Taking the whole cake and stuff it down as a whole is never a good idea, right? So one at a time is the rule of the thumb….
My first target was Keatkeat, the beginner of the madness. I have been ‘working‘ on him for 9 days now. To be reminded of going back to diaper-days is no good fun. What’s more, its MY ‘diapers‘ that he is wearing!
So its been more than 36hours since his last leakage. Tried him on 2 bottles of milk already. *fingers, toes and hair were crossed and entangled* So far so good.
He was excited to be sucking his white dope again after more than a week. His favourite line today is “Mommy, check, quick check….” as he turns his bum towards me. After making sure that the bread is still ‘un-spreaded’, a thumbs-up sign is all that he wish to see from me.
Big grin came instantly with an elbow bent, fist clenched, pulled down motion and a loud “YES!!” was his expression of victory.
Our pact was: if the ‘bread’ stays clean AFTER 3 bottles of milk PLUS 2 hours after that 3rd bottle, off it goes from his brief.
We are one bottle away now…. good luck Keatkeat!
August 29th, 2009 at 6:32 pm
jia you keatkeat! Good luck! Finally one is on the road to recovery…*phew*
August 29th, 2009 at 10:18 pm
i wish hes recovery is through and through now.hapi saturday sis.
.-= mel´s last blog ..FACELIFTING THE LIVING ROOM =-.
August 29th, 2009 at 10:54 pm
good luck keat keat !
.-= ling´s last undefined ..If you register your site for free at =-.
August 29th, 2009 at 11:26 pm
good luck keat keat. hang on, you are almost there~~~
August 30th, 2009 at 7:53 am
Good luck to Keat Keat! It sounds like he is almost done with being sick.
August 30th, 2009 at 3:18 pm
seeing ur posts, could see that h1n1 is really very scary, and is unlike normal flu. It makes me more conscious now, and think will really go out less. Really hope your hubby and two boys get well very soon!
August 30th, 2009 at 11:22 pm
good to hear :)
Hugs hugs:)
September 1st, 2009 at 5:38 pm
Thank God. Glad that he is up and running again!
.-= contentedmom´s last blog ..Too much ice cream! =-.