I watch you hold the bin
Liquid of all sorts
Thick and thin
Colourless or Yellowish
Red was on your face
Water flowed from your eyes and nose
As you continued to gagged
Its been countless times over the past 48hours
Remained calm
When the ‘sessions’ were over
All you said was
“Mommy, I feel better now. I can take medicine already.”
“Mommy, I need to drink water now, ‘cos so much water has come out from my body.”
“Mommy, I want to rest now .”
“Mommy, don’t worry, I will be well again very soon.”
You battled with this since 2 years old.
You know your body so well
I cannot resist but listen to your wishes
No food
Just Milk and water was your order
Because you were willing to hydrate
Your temperature has lowered
Because you did not fight your gags
Your phelgm are almost gone
Your once biggest enemy is but a ‘no big deal’ now
Mommy Salute You