Teach Your Child, A Heart of Thankfulnesss
Parenting, Videos August 29th, 2010I know I have posted lots on Nick Vujicic, but seriously, his life is a living testimony to what true possibilities are.
And his secret? A Heart of Thankfulness.
Teach Your Child when they are young, to have a Heart of Thankfulness.
When one’s heart is grateful for whatever he/she has, instead of looking at what he/she does not have, nothing else matters….
August 29th, 2010 at 2:20 pm
Hi Twalkie. I m very touched by yr life story. How do you manage to get over your past that is not so happy? My story is a little bit like yours. I love your blog pages. Can you teach me how to write blogs like you? I m into IM trying to earn passive income of RM6000 a month. Can recommend any affiliates beside Google Adsense, Amazon.com ? Cheers.
August 29th, 2010 at 4:06 pm
Hi Marguerite,
my only tip for Blogging is to “Write With Your Heart.” *wink*
As for affiliates, I realised those ads that appear in the 1st fold and 2nd fold are the ones that brings in the revenue. So no point having lots of affiliate ads, cos you can’t possibly squeeze all into the top 2 folds of your site. Just concentrate on getting better keywords to get more targeted ads for better conversion rates. *smile*
As for how did I overcome my past, go read this post: http://allaboutyourchild.blogspot.com/2009/11/gone-for-good.html