Lots of things to say, not gonna go into details just the highlights:-

Blessed mom, your girls wanted to know the sound of the piggy banks? Here it is. I couldn’t get it uploaded yesterday. Sorry. Hope it’s not too late. And its a little dark too sorry. *Details of the price and materials are here*


Keatkeat is back in school today. Sometimes things are just so weird. When I don’t complain OUT LOUD. He just doesn’t get well. But the moment I do, eh, his condition just gets better.


Binbin had his revenge last night. For whatever reason, he refused to lie on his mattress and chose to sleep with me. I was fast asleep way before anyone else. (I’m exhausted remember?)

Allan waited for the rooster to fall asleep, so that he could carry that little rascal back to his mattress. In the end, Allan fell asleep before him.

So last night was a one-leg-on-my-face, one-hand-on-my-tummy, one-kick-on-my-back and one-slap-on-my-chest.

I CAN’T SLEEP!!!!!! *Arrrggghhhhhh*

Then he will blabber some nonsensical sentences in my ear with a *whack* from his hand or leg almost instantly.


Ok, so we are quits now, ya?

For those of you who missed out the “Ooops! Ooops again!” post, you probably won’t know why I call this his revenge.

*laugh* Go read if you have 1-2 mins to spare.