Timer Is Up
Parenting March 4th, 2010 Me: “Keatkeat, how did you feel when you heard your teachers said you were ‘Dreamy and Slow’?”
Keatkeat: “Sad.”
Me: “Do you like to feel sad?”
Keatkeat: “No.”
Me: “How would you like to feel?”
Keatkeat: “Excited.”
Me: “If the teachers tell you “Well done. You are much faster now in everything that you do.” Would you feel excited?”
Keatkeat: “No. I will just be Happy.”
Me: “So is feeling Happy better than Sad?”
Keatkeat: “Yes.”
Me: “So what must you do to feel Happy?”
Keatkeat: “Do things faster.”
Me: “So do you want to do things faster so that you can hear the teachers say good things about you and feel Happy?”
Keatkeat: “Yes. I will try.”
And so, the timer is up for everything that he does. Because I believe, ‘How You Do One Thing, Is How You Do EVERYTHING.’ Thus the timer is up for everything that he does.
Its improving…..at a sssllllooooowwww speed. *eyes rolled*
Punishment is served when the timer beats him and reward is given when he beats the timer.
The time limit which we are giving him is definitely more than sufficient, that is if he does NOT go into DAY-dreamland; which eerrrmmm…. is still his favourite hobby.
I clapped my hands so often to ‘wake‘ him up, that I get red palms at the end of every session. *eyes rolled*
What I can do in one minute, I will give him 3-4mins. That’s the ratio I’m working at now. So far I would say his beating rate (if he concentrates) is about 99%.
So Timer is Up from bathing to wearing socks to completing worksheets…. I hate to put my boy under such stress. But because the words of ALL his teachers were the same:- “Dreamy and Slow”, it affected his self-esteem. Thus I have to help him to bring back that confidence!
If the words of his teachers have no effect on him, I would not bother at all man! I’m Serious! *Grin*
March 4th, 2010 at 8:41 pm
Poor guy. I think it a great success if he manages to get it done! Some people, children especially, just get things done at different rates. I’m over here wishing his teachers could congratulate him when he completes his jobs and focus less on the time. It’s frustrating when the school system doesn’t allow for personality differences, as though they want to crank out factory results. It’s good to see you celebrating those accomplishments! Life is hard enough, isn’t it Angeline!
You good? Hope so.
.-= erin´s last blog ..erm… =-.
March 4th, 2010 at 9:11 pm
jiayou, Keat!
March 5th, 2010 at 12:12 am
Oh Erin!!!
Life is hard enough and yet with these added pressure on the little soul. *shake head* no good no good.
I’m alright dear.
I hope you are dashing through the wind even if its going against your direction… *wink*
March 5th, 2010 at 12:30 am
hi angeline, been awhile since i drop by…and you hv never failed to amuse me with your wit and your tips on parenting :)
and btw,would like to extend my condolences to the family (ref to your post dated 21st feb)…
March 5th, 2010 at 2:03 am
With mommy support, KeatKeat sure can do it! Jiayou KeatKeat!
I think it is good that you do this now. Coz during exams, they have time limit. I think it will hurt him even more if he can’t complete his exams paper in time.
Btw, I like the way you speak to your boys. :)
March 5th, 2010 at 8:46 am
I think I must start using the timer too! My girl’s teachers say she is very slow and dreamy too.
March 5th, 2010 at 8:48 am
don’t need to wait for exam man!
This week he had 2 mini-Maths test.
Next week on the 11th, he is having his very first SERIOUS Maths test, so far he is on time for ANYTHING related to Maths.
Now, if there is one thing that will be very badly affected because of his “slow-ness”, it would be his Chinese test which is Also on the 11th. 2 tests, same day! *faint* Blogged enough about that already, don’t wanna re-emphasize how unhappy I am. *eyes rolled*
March 5th, 2010 at 9:10 am
andrewjune dear,
Thank you. The new schedule I’m in for this year is killing me! So I’m so sorry, I haven’t been hopping to yours too and everyone else’s too. *ashamed*
and thank you…. we (everyone related) are alright now.
March 7th, 2010 at 7:40 am
Hi Hi not sure if my comments appear, but just to let you know dreamy and slow are common among the p1 students esp boys.
March 8th, 2010 at 10:17 pm
It’s great that he wants to do something abt it. N it’s edi showing results. Keep it up, Keatkeat!
March 9th, 2010 at 12:04 am
I like the way you ask thinking questions to your kids. My boy’s (Isaac) teacher also says he’s slow and dreamy. In fact, that’s all she says about him! Doesn’t sound encouraging at all when teachers give only negative comments. It’s up to the parents to boost our children’s confidence. Jiayou to Keatkeat, you can do it! And to mummy too!
.-= Ing´s last blog ..Teacher Isaac =-.
March 9th, 2010 at 9:03 am
jia you! don’t think u set time limit for his meal time, right? my girls are into dreamy mood too lately..doing everything so slowly when I need to get things done fast :(
March 9th, 2010 at 4:12 pm
blesses mom, (you changed name ah? *laugh*)
I didn’t, but guess what? His dad Did!!!