Here comes part 2 of the trip on 16th June 2009….

Their First Pony Ride

horsekeatRemember my sis and her bf brought my boys there some time ago? They agreed to take the pony ride in the beginning, but when the tickets were bought, they refused to get on the pony’s back no matter how my sis and her bf coaxed them.

This time I used another tactic. No coaxing, no persuading. I went straight to my elder niece, Z.Y. and asked, “Do you want to ride on the pony.” Knowing she will not get such a chance when she comes with her own family, she yelled “Yes!”

horsebinAnd when the boys saw the excitement glowing in her eyes, they yelled “I want too!” and ran straight to the ponies.

I wanted to be fair to all the children, I wanted to buy 4 tickets. But to get Z.Y., an 8 year old kid on that pony already took us minutes to convinced my MIL to give a nod.

But when it comes to the 4 year old M.Y., MIL was even more determined with her “No. She is not going to take the ride. What if she becomes scared and decides to come down half-way? So much trouble and waste of money. No. She is staying here with me.” Then turning to Z.Y., whom she had already gave the approval very reluctantly, “You! Should NOT go too.”

Knowing that MIL had already agreed, Z.Y. just turn a deaf ear to that last sentence, ran to the ponies and joined my boys.

The rides were closing in 15mins. Time was against us. Allan and I gave up on convincing MIL to let M.Y. to come along. And off we went with the 3 excited kids.


Since M.Y. couldn’t get her butt on the pony’s back, we thought maybe caressing the tummy of a big horse would make her feel better… oh well, it did, a little… least she is smiling… (extreme right)


The Elephant Show

elephantshow1To me, this was the funniest moment of the day! *laugh*

Remember during the previous visit to the zoo with my sis and her bf, an elephant sprayed water on Binbin and he was so pissed?!!!

This was what he did the very minute we reach there. Hiding behind his daddy’s back.

elephantshow2Luckily we were late for the show, so he did that for only 10mins. Right after the show ended, people left, he ran straight to the highest bench and sat there with a *phew* look. *laugh*

I wonder how many more months or years would he be able to get rid of this fear… Or maybe it wasn’t a fear, its probably a ‘better to be safe than wet’ kind of thought. *laugh*


Where to next?

Let’s go check out the Ele-Fun Area…


There was a ‘Dino Walk’ in the Rainforest KidzWorld. Guess the zoo have not forgotten about the dead and extinct too.




I realised they were more expressive and relax when they were taking photos with the dead. Here’s more of them with statues of other ‘still-alive’ animals….



Taking photos with the ‘real’ animals were quite a challenge, especially for the free-ranging ones. When the kids got close, no matter how quiet their footsteps were, the animals ran away…

Finally a few shots worth highlighting…

animal2When the kids were watching the kangaroos drink, my MIL brought out ice-cool Coke and lime water. Seriously, if she hasn’t come so prepared, I think our trip would be thirstier and hungrier. You cannot imagine how much money we had saved from food and beverages, all thanks to her, waking up at 6am+ to prepare the yummies for us.


Another of my favourite shot was this:

Grandpa and grandchildren enjoying laughing moments together. I love this shot because its ‘backviewed’. I love shots of people’s backview, does that tell something about my character?

…..Oh kids treasure such moments while you still can….


These were free ranging monkeys. BEWARE! Cos’ we witnessed them peeing from that log and right below it was a pestarian walkway!!! When that happened, luckily no one was walking below it!


Finally the very first shot we took after we entered the gates…Saving the best for last. *wink*


So Keatkeat, was the trip good?
