I Can’t Turn Back the Clock
Child, Parenting, Preschool January 14th, 2009Take a close look at these: –
(for people visiting my blog for the very first time : Keatkeat is my elder son. My boys are 18months apart. Binbin is 3 and Keatkeat is 5 now)
Things Binbin could do at 3 years old and Keatkeat could only perform at 4:–
- Feed himself with a spoon.
- Grip the pencil correctly.
- Able to wipe and blow his nose without help.
Things Binbin could do at 3 and Keatkeat could only perform at 5:-
- Colour a picture with minimal white spots (un-coloured areas).
- Able to comprehend the meaning of syllabus. The parts in a word. eg. Crocodile has 3 syllabus and bus has 1.
- Able to hop 2 steps or more with one leg.
- Initiate to say Goodbye or Hello to his teacher.
Things Binbin could do at 3 and Keatkeat still could not:-
- Can concentrate on assignments when there is a distraction.
- Able to clean his bum PERFECTLY after toilet visits.
- Catch a ball with 2 hands.
- Throw a ball towards the person.
- Can complete a task without the need to repeat.
- Able to bathe himself well, without signs of soap or shampoo on body.
- Kick an approaching ball.
- Head an approaching ball.
Should I be worried? NO!
Am I affected by these? YES!
Keatkeat baby, if you ever get to read this when you are older, please don’t get me wrong. This post is NOT to show how inferior you are. This post is to show How your daily behaviour keeps poking into my wound. The guilty feeling that was in me, still in me and probably stay there for as long as I live.
Your slower development is not your fault. Its mine. Because of mommy’s committment to my retail business. I didn’t really spend time with you. To train up your motor skills OR to build up your social skills when it was time.
I could not turn back the clock. Its irreversible. My lack of time has affected you this MUCH. Something that I never thought coming. I thought: You will be fine in the hands of Grandpa and Grandma. Not seeing you for days, for several nights would be ok.
Its only too late to know that it was a Mistake. Grandpa and Grandma loves you too much (being first grandson), they do everything for you. Feed you, bathe you, clean you up… they will help you in anything, so long as you don’t need to lift finger.
A mistake too big and too tough for me to ‘speed’ your growth, so that you could be what you ‘should be’ at your age. But mommy is trying every day ok? It takes more than patience alone; something that your Papa would rather sigh over it, whenever he sees your brother could do it better.
Keatkeat, grow at your pace. A pace that’s comfortable for you, even though it means more people would think that Binbin is ‘Gorgor’ (elder brother) and not you.
Keatkeat, mommy’s heart hurts to see you discouraged… but I’m going on this journey with you, so please don’t give up, no matter how discouraged you are… don’t give up, no matter how much better Binbin does…. don’t give up…..
January 15th, 2009 at 1:39 am
I feel so bad for you that blame yourself for this. That was a touching letter you wrote to your son.
Melissas last blog post..An Easy Way To Keep Track Of When It Is Time To Change Your Contact Lenses
January 15th, 2009 at 9:04 am
each child is unique and so I am sure keatkeat will be able to do it when he is ready. don’t be too hard on yourself.
some of the things binbin can do, my girl cannot do too!
lings last blog post..Early Reunion Dinner With Dad
January 15th, 2009 at 9:58 am
Sweet you. But it might not be a simple case of it being your fault. (Not that that’s simple in the least.) Perhaps he’s playing down. My daughter did that. It often happens when there are just two children. The younger seems to get a lot more of the attention because it’s required at many junctures and as a natural response my daughter played down to this. There’s been a whole lot of catching up in the last couple years though, and a whole lot of jumping forward, too.
And perhaps he’s just gonna go at his own pace. Either way, you’re right to support him.
January 15th, 2009 at 11:42 am
Hi! Tsui Fung intro this site to me. Was feeling down about my son’s poor behaviour & attitude, your article perked me up. I’m going to show him more attention and care starting today, no matter what! Thanks.
January 15th, 2009 at 12:05 pm
I can understand and feel what you are going through.
We always make mistakes as a parent. But your attitude towards it is good. DOn’t blame yourself, you didn’t intend for it to happen too.
And slow or not in the early years, at the end of the day, it is not when they learn to do something (they will learn eventually) but how well they turn out as a person (character and attitude wise).
So, hang in there mummy and keep being the great mum you are!
January 15th, 2009 at 12:33 pm
Dear Angeline,
It makes me sad to read this. I really, really don’t think this is a case of your neglect. Banish that from your heart. You could have been with Keat Keat every moment and he is just developing later. I know this from personal experience – as you know! ;) Every child develops differently. And the ones who are slower to hit the milestones always catch up and may very well rule the world with their creativity and invention someday! Hugs to you. XO
JCKs last blog post..If you have ever questioned where American feminism came out of, or why it came to be…
January 15th, 2009 at 12:51 pm
I can understand your post perfectly cos I share the same sentiments. I can see many things that Amos can do at 1yr + when Zac can only do it near to 3 yrs old. So long as KK is doing fine now, don’t feel too bad cos if you are…. I’m feeling sad too cos I’m also in the same shoe. I try to spend more time with Zac nowdays to brush out a lot of his skills which I’ve overlooked when he was younger.
Btw, my blog makeover is done. Come over n see if you like it? :):)
Janices last blog post..My blog has a NEW look !!
January 15th, 2009 at 7:43 pm
i know i get frustrated too because i keep expecting Lewis to learn as fast as Evan did in some things, but i guess every child is different and it is normal so dont worry
January 15th, 2009 at 11:52 pm
Erm..couldn’t comment much. Dont’ have no.2 to compare with Zann.
But one thing for sure, yes I agreed with other mums. Every child is unique and special, even with their unique problems and challenging times!
I often told myself, I just have to recognize that Zann is already good.
January 16th, 2009 at 1:24 am
Hey angeline don be too hard on yourself. To have mummy walk this path with him is the biggest joy for him. It is definitely not too late ;)
4malmals last blog post..Perception
January 16th, 2009 at 10:12 am
What you wrote made me feel even more guilty of myself. When I was working full-time then, my elder dd was taken care by my in-laws with the maid… she was very very sheltered, protected, until today she (turning six in a week’s time)still couldn’t bathe herself nor wipe her own bottom. Don’t you think I should cry out loud and hit my chest! *sigh* what to do? Slowly training her now… (I just need to comfort myself that it’s never too late)!
Don’t be too hard on yourself! You are a great mom!
Tins last blog post..Poor cars
January 16th, 2009 at 11:17 am
Hi Angeline,
Don’t be too hard on yourself. Would love to give you a big hug! I think all mommies can fully understand you… Jiayou KeatKeat & Mommy!
LZmommys last blog post..Bento #110 & #111 – LZ’s Bento
January 17th, 2009 at 8:23 pm
ya..don’t be too hard on yourself..I believe keatkeat will catch up in matter of times.
Blessed moms last blog post..Christmas Week In School
January 19th, 2009 at 10:31 pm
Hon, we have an old saying over here that says something like this «We have 5 fingers in our hand and all of them are different thou they all work fine and thou they all belong to the same hand»…I keep comparing my kids as well but I know that they have different personalities and different skills.For instance: My elder boy Filipe was always a gifted child.He started reading at the age of 4 (he could read a full text in a news paper!People always thought it was some kinda trick)At the age of 5 he started speaking English.But when it comes to drawings or some Art crafts he totally sucks!Wilson on the other hand is an artist!And he was always good with mental games…Eric is very bright but he doesn’t like painting or drawing just like Filipe.But he’s very good in memorizing things!*sigh*…They are just different but they all have their own special skills.
January 20th, 2009 at 9:34 am
I don’t think you can blame yourself for this. Kids do things at different ages! Even kids raised exactly the same will learn things at different times. From what I have seen here you have 2 wonderful and bright boys!
Tonis last blog post..
January 23rd, 2009 at 3:17 am
pls do not compare your 2 boys! every child is different. Remember also there are 9 intelligences. BB might excel in some, KK is others. I have 3 boys, 6, 5 and 2.
btw, i also think that Sgreans’ lifestyles sucks! most mommies are having a full time job, working long hours, and leaving their child to a grandparent, nanny or maid. Be glad that you can look after your child yourself now! i’m also a wahm, in network marketing. i promote eco-friendly household pdts and my time is flexible. I meet up with frens, chat with them, share with them my pdts and that’s my job! hahaha… i think many do not dare to explore the other forms of passive income, thinking it’s a huge commitment and it’s not stable. well, i’m loving it! I share good, quality, eco-friendly and economical pdts and I don’t have to report to work at a particular time everyday!!!! hahahaha
Hoonies last blog post..Time to chill out