Your children will become what you are; so be what you want them to be.~ David Bly

As children develop and learn to communicate with family and friends, it is important for parents to teach the children how to behave in an acceptable way.

Children seek guidelines from their parents about what is acceptable and what is not, and usually imitate their behaviour.

Most parents experience problems of disobedience as their children learn to be independent and may begin to resist them.

Although this is a normal part of child development, dealing with these situations can be very challenging for many parents.

Even though children misbehave at times, they still want and need their parents’ love and approval to develop as happy, confident and responsible children.

So, it is important to show children that they are still loved and valued but that some of their behaviours are not.

Children almost always seek their parents’ acceptance in the things they do. There are ways that parents can help their children deal with the disappointments and frustrations they feel when they do not get what they want and there are techniques that parents can use to encourage children to behave in positive ways.

Find out over the week as I share 6 proven ways to manage your child’s misbehaviour…

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