There is no school for my Primary 2 boy today. In fact, because of PSLE (Primary School Leaving Examination) oral examination today and tomorrow, there is no school for all Primary 1 to Primary 5 pupils, as the Primary 6 students need a quiet environment to get through their oral examination.

The school has thus declared today as eLearning Day for all pupils from Primary 2 to 5.

Their objectives of this eLearning Day is to provide pupils an alternative learning experience facilitated through technology, to enhance pupils’ and school’s readiness in the event of school closure and to enhance the life skills of pupils in the 21st century, such as independent and self-directed learning.

All P2 to P5 students are given specific assignments t to be completed from home and could only be taken from the school’s eLearning portal from 8am to 12.30pm.

They had to login with their Birth Certificate and school ID in order to begin.

So while I am getting this blog post up, he is sitting next to me enjoying his eLearning Day. For the first time, he would NOT hear me say, “Keatkeat you have spent too much time infront of that rectangular screen. Stop now.” *laugh*

With this introduction of eLearning Day, will there come a time whereby students no longer goes to school and all lessons would be taught through the internet? Oh no! Then teachers would become jobless!!!

Does your child school have eLearning Day too?