Ling tagged me with this! Thanks Ling for remembering that I LOOOVE to answer questions. So I love this tag very much! (sorry I took so long to do this)

So for those of you who wants to know me better, go on and READ….*wink*

1. complete this phrase: “if only i could..
:: have an endless in-flow of $$$ I would love to have 2 more kids.

2. did you get enough sleep last night?
:: nope, I am having a stiff neck and a migraine since this morning.

3. what were you doing before you slept last night?
:: at my parents-in-law house doing my usual Sunday nanny job over 6 kids.

4. first thing you thought about this morning when you woke up?
:: what’s the time now?

5. do u ever wonder why the sky is blue?
:: nope.

6. did you ever try to skip meals?
:: never tried to skip, but had to skip because there wasn’t time to eat during my retail business.

7. lights on or off?
:: on of course! I’m not used to torturing my eyes with lights off when I’m infront of the glaring monitor.

9. are you afraid of the dark?
:: VERY AFRAID in the past, when I used to be able to see spirits (or ghosts whichever you like to call them).

10. favorite hangout/s?
:: at home!

11. people you can’t live without?
:: My Family.

12. what are your plans for tonight?
:: sleep!

13. favorite song when you’re sleepy?
:: *laugh* I don’t have (or need) a song to sleep, I’m a sleeping queen you know.

14. Do you love someone, right now?
:: Yes! There’s always someone I love at Any Moment no matter now or in the past or in the future.

15. are you a giver or a taker?
:: can I choose both? *wink*

16. if you could choose another name, what would it be?
:: Angel? *Laugh*

18. last text message from?
:: hubby.

20. stuck on a desert island & could have only one KIND of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

21. favorite tv commercial/s?
:: See here

22. if you were dead and your soul was given another chance, what would you do first?
:: I want to be a male and not a female!

23. if you could choose your eye color,what color would you like to have?
:: light blue.

24. what are the things you always bring?
:: money, tissue paper, mobile phone, umbrella, cheque book, nail cliper, medicated oil, pen and plasters.

Passing on to Blessed Mum, LZmommy, Cendrine, Mae, Tina and Tammy.