Condition Worsen
Child, Handling Misbehaviour, Health, Parenting, Special Moments, Tags / Meme January 21st, 2009Many of you know about my big struggle with Keatkeat over his sinusitis, which ‘helped‘ me wrote my longest post ever (3-days long): It took 7 months
I’ve got a feeling his ‘eating condition’ might spike off another huge challenge for me this year.
Ok, this is a CONTINUATION from these three posts:
I can’t believe that I’m typing this down. A simple daily thing that everyone does with ease has become a PROBLEM for my boy ~~~ EAT.
If you had read the 3 posts, you’ll know how stressful it is for Keatkeat and myself to eat with Allan. I thought things were better after my ‘proposed plans’:
- avoid dining outdoors
- avoid giving big chunks of meat
- avoid giving more than what he can finish
- serve him food only when he is hungry
- serve him food of his choice
In order to speed up his eating whenever we are dining with Allan, so please RULE OUT the possibility that he is not hungry or the food is not to his liking.
Well, they worked on some days and on terrible days they didn’t.
Recently, it had become worse. Its NOT happening on EVERY meal, but it happens every now and then, so much so that I’m getting really worried.
“Could it be a result of Allan’s punishment on him months back?” OR “Could it be just a development by itself without any reason?”
I DON’T KNOW! That’s what’s worrying…. if you know the cause, at least you can find the solution, if you don’t, there is no way you could ‘TREAT’ the root of the problem!
These are the ‘New‘ eating habits of Keatkeat, even if Allan is NOT AROUND:-
- Eat a strain of noodle at a time.
- Can only take in 1/2 spoonful of rice, anything more, he’ll gag.
- Always in a daze.
- Twirl the fork/spoon in mouth.
- Look everywhere except his food.
- Sings
- Talks
- Stir the food in the bowl.
- Dig his nose till it gets too agitated, he sneezes.
- Have the need to pass motion in the ‘middle‘ of the meal.
- Sighs and takes lots of deep breath.
- He hardly finishes his share of food.
- Stretches his body.
- Supports his head on his palm, while elbow rested on the table top.
- When we are out of sight, he pours the food away. Happened twice.
- RUB HIS EYES : This is the HUGE SIGN that he wants to STOP EATING.
The following happens (INCLUDING THOSE HABITS ABOVE) when Allan is around:-
- When he hears, “Eat Faster Or Else….”, he will scoop a big spoonful and STUFF it into his mouth, until he vomits. After he vomits, he is NOT going to touch his food, no matter what you say or do….
- Woke up from his daze when Allan slaps his palm on the table or shouts.
- Whenever everyone has finished their share, except him, he will give the I’m-not-gonna-eat-no-matter-what-happens Expression.
Allan being impatient, gives up and gives in. 2 things happen: –
- Allan picks up the bowl and starts feeding him. OR
- Allan throws away what’s left in his bowl/plate.
As a result, my 5 year old is not interested to feed himself and couldn’t finish what he used to be able to finish, months back.
These few days were worse. Whenever I ask if he is hungry, its “No” all the time, even though its 3 hours passed his normal meal time.
Keatkeat is only 5 cm taller than his 18months younger brother; but because of Binbin’s ‘standing hair’, the difference look more like 2cm only.
If these carry on, very soon, it will be the other way round……*Sigh*
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not interested in their height difference, its just a passing remark. I’m worried about the UGLY habits, especially the gags and vomits…..
January 22nd, 2009 at 1:18 am
I would just let him eat as slow as he wants to. If he’s still sitting at the table eating while everyone else is gone, maybe that’s ok? If you are at a restaurant he could just take what he doesn’t finish home.
Melissas last blog post..Rebekah at 18 Months
January 22nd, 2009 at 1:58 am
Ok, here’s my advice, because I think this could become a serious issue. You have to make eating a non-issue and you need Allen on your side. This battle of wills could end up with KeatKeat having bigger eating issues. (Boys can have the same disorders girls are more apt to have.) Make simple rules about eating, like everybody has to try everything before they get up from the table. That’s it. Have the kids help in preparing the food, and snacks in between. I have a lower down cabinet where I keep bowls and cups for kids and healthy snacks that are accessible. Make dinner relaxing, a fun time to share. And dessert for anyone who clears their plate. Simple rules and no nagging on anyone who doesn’t finish. Just fun for someone who does. BinBin finishes, BinbBin gets icecream and can put on fun sprinkles. KeatKeat doesn’t get in trouble. Nothing. Just this, “Oh, if you’re finished KeatKeat, clean up.” This kind of approach got my daughter eating again after 30 days. It is probably a matter of will and will can not be met with will. It can only be shown the way. (REALLY, very important stuff. Maybe a pediatrician could help. But if you want to know more about my daughter and the resolution you can always e-mail me
January 22nd, 2009 at 3:37 am
I agree with Erin. I think this sounds really bad. He seems to have a real aversion towards eating. Maybe u can try some of her methods out.
My mum used to insist that I finish my half boiled egg every morning and I did what keat keat did, throw away the egg when she was not looking! I realised that kids really has their likes and dislikes and forcing it only make it more stressful.
Really hope the situation will improve.
4malmals last blog post..Chinese New Year, duh ?!
January 22nd, 2009 at 6:52 am
It’s quite commom problem of sinusitis nowadays espe with the dustmite all over cant see with naked eyes. My twins have it. Had been taking Clarentyne to clear the stuffiness but after a while I stopped them cz they dont take or take oso the problem still exist. just have to live with all the HA Choo, Chi Cho Chi Cho early in the morning . After that they are OK.
Wish your well & hope Keat Keat condition will improve. ABout the eating habit I guess, they will outgrwn it when they r bigger. Dun worry
physiomoms last blog post..Backdated Post: Part 4: Dennis had wheezing
January 22nd, 2009 at 7:41 am
You are not alone. I know of tons of kids who do not like to eat.
Anyway, I was also thinking maybe get them to back stuff with you or help make potato patties or meat patties…such recipies that kids can also do….and make it a fun activity…or make pancakes and get them to decorate it. And then eat it up the eye, the ear, the mouth etc.
Or give him finger food? Maybe he doesn’t like the normal chinese food – maybe nuggets (home made if you can) or fish and chips.
Or maybe make eating out (you and him alone) an adventure, or maybe dress up exciting outing?
I cannot say these will work but I know the more you force, the more than will resist.
But you know, as long as he is healthy, it doesnt matter if he is not that tall or etc.
Anns last blog post..Right and left
January 22nd, 2009 at 9:59 am
Hi hi
I understand how you feel. My elder daughter (turning 6 very soon) has the same problems, at least for problem 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, and 14. I’m learning how to cope too.
Just to share some of the things I do with her:
Try giving her some new plates for the rice or new spoons to intrigue her into eating. I always tell her how her cousins are eating by themselves and finishes their food fast. Ask her not too sigh, cos’ she’s really very lucky she’s got food while poor children in other countries die of hunger. Give her lots of encouragement and praises when she finishes her food faster than usual. Reward her with some things if she can finish her food by specific time. (for me, I reward her with TV programs after her meals… heee) Nowadays, I’ve also reduced her portion of food. The above do help a little.
Don’t give up!
Jia you!
Tins last blog post..A way overdued milestone
January 22nd, 2009 at 10:10 am
that sounds worrying to me… i am not sure if you want to consider bringing keatekeat to see a doctor for his appetite problem. maybe it’s a physical condition afterall?
January 22nd, 2009 at 10:47 am
I’m sorry to hear this… Certain points that you mentioned has ever happened to L too. How about a reward system? For L I used to tell her if she finishes her food, she will get to watch TV or other rewards. If not, get him involve when you are cooking and ‘dress up’ the food. So far, these worked for me and I haven’t got any problem with L. Hope it works for you.
LZmommys last blog post..Bento #113
January 22nd, 2009 at 10:57 am
I hate that this is happening. I have not had to deal with this but Erin’s comment seemed to make sense. I also think maybe you should as his doctor about it as well.
My pediatrician has said that we should not make an issue about eating – of course Hunter is just 2. I wish you luck, I would hate for this to turn into something way more serious as he gets older.
Tonis last blog post..
January 22nd, 2009 at 11:46 am
I just heard from my maid this morning that Zac has not been finishing his milk for the past weeks. He has been drinking half a cup, then 1/4 cup, now less than 1/4 also cant finish.
He told me he is full already but I doubt so. I ask him if its bcos of the flavour cos he used to drink strawberry but I changed to vanilla recently. He shake his head. I asked him if he would like to drink milo. He replied yes! He never like choco drink, so I was actually surprised that he said yes to milo. Later did I realized that PCF has been giving them milo drink as snack so he kinda get used to the beverage.
Later, he throw tantrums again during lunch time & refused to eat. I told the boys who finish first will get a “golden coin chocolate” from me. Reluctantly, he moved to the table but at least it is working.
Janices last blog post..WW : Amazing Birthday Cup Cake
January 22nd, 2009 at 2:28 pm
hmmm…maybe you should consult a paed? maybe is pyscological issues, we do not know
January 23rd, 2009 at 1:21 am
Oh, I am so sorry you’re facing this. I remember reading about Erin’s issues with her daughter– I’d go with her advice. Our middle son wouldn’t eat. We would all be cleaning up and realize he hadn’t eaten (you don’t notice when so many people are eating and talking). So we began feeding him– not making a big deal about it, but mid-sentence reach over scoop food put it in his mouth and then go on talking. No one pressured or forced– it was like he was completely unaware he needed food. Now at 8 he’s “starving” all of the time. He’s the thinnest and gets the most sick when the flu goes around, but he seems to be finally understanding his body’s needs.
Good luck with this!!
Im Being Held Hostages last blog post..Ever Wonder?
January 23rd, 2009 at 3:30 am
I agree with Erin (I remember her writing about her daughter’s refusal to eat, too). The more he knows you are worried and that Allan is upset with him, the more he is going to resist. I wouldn’t make him sit there after everyone is finished, but if he is hungry later, he could have that food instead of a snack.
Alisons last blog post..At Last
January 23rd, 2009 at 5:24 pm
gosh!!! His eating habits is the SAME as Rachel!!! I’m having the same problem with Rachel now too!!! *fuming mad*
Please let me know once you found your solution so I can do the same with her!!
January 25th, 2009 at 3:18 am
Oh hon….That really sucks…I’m with Erin and Toni as well…I’ve seen similar cases over here (specially with baby girls) and the best is the see a doctor and see what he has to say about it…
Hang in there.*big hug*
Sandras last blog post..Lookin’ Up Tight, Lookin’ Right!…
February 3rd, 2009 at 12:40 am
Recently, I have been struggling with my 4-year-old on this issue too. She is a picky eater, and I am trying to learn more and did several posts on this. As long as the kid is healthy, I guess we just need patience.
November 30th, 2011 at 9:08 am
i stumbe yr blog recently, i guess eating issues with Kimkeat is over by now:)i am going thru what exactly ike ‘bite, swallow, move yr mouth, bite faster” everyday :( every mealtime makes my heart beat faster.. sign.. i keep telling myself its phases, they get over it when they get older..
i just wonder how did yr Kimkeat overcome it?
November 30th, 2011 at 5:55 pm
Hi Eileen,
lots of patience from parents…
peer pressure from Primary school mates…
ultimately, it was time… over time Keatkeat overcame all those nonsense…