Importance of Instructions
Child, Parenting January 18th, 2010To me as a Mommy, (some call me cruel or dangerous Mommy) I do not like to keep repeating an instruction or a warning. Even if that thing could pose some danger, I would consider letting the child learn his lesson the hard way.
First week of school, because Binbin did not follow his teacher’s instructions, he almost lost his toe to that heavy wooden block. “Hold this with two hands, children.” was what the teacher instructed (so said the teacher herself).
But Binbin chose to show off his macho muscles and held it with one hand. Great! And THIS was his reward for not listening to his teacher’s advice.
Second week of school, nope, nothing bloody happened in school, but OUT of school. We went for sushi. Binbin tried to poke his finger UNDER the sushi belt, where unfriendly sharp edges were obvious.
Warned him verbally 2 to 3 times. Explained the possible dangers. Pulled his hands away. He obeyed. Nothing happened.
The craving for the 99cents sushi was still in him and so we went again the next day. This time, I refused to warn him more than once. A full (previous) day of warnings plus one final one on the day itself, to me, is abusing the purpose of giving warnings.
You know how nagging would end up on deaf ears, don’t you? Rather, the lesser the frequency of certain sentences, the more the child values it (sometimes).
My parenting mentality of ‘Make the Child Feels, instead of Make the Child Listens.’ decided to take over the protective Mommy. I Watched him poked his finger UNDER the belt.
Attempted Once, Twice and “Ouch!” His face turned white. He grabbed onto his index finger. Then his face turned red.
“This is what you get when you do not listen to Mommy’s instructions.” I fired at him. Heart aching but not even caressing or checking his injury.
That’s me. I want the kid to really feel. NOPE. Not the pain. But the sense of not being loved.
The 4 year old started to cry.
“Why are you crying?” I asked. ‘Cos I KNOW this boy has super high threshold for pain, so I knew its NOT pain that was causing the tears to flow.
“Because you scold me….” Sobbed away.
Expect me to pull him over and hug? NO way! If it was that easy, he would never learn the principle of obedience.
“Did I ask you to put your finger inside? Or did I ask you NOT to put your finger inside?” I probed.
“Cannot put inside….” sob sob sobbed.
“When you don’t listen to Mommy, what happens?”
“Pain. Got Blood.”
“So what now?”
“Sorry Mommy…”
Yup! That’s the magical word. Pulled him over, laid his head on my lap and his tears dried up like as if he was under the hand dryer. *eyes rolled* My only fear was the sharp edges might be rusty, so we did wash the wound up well.
Now, his finger is as good as new! But his toe Hhhmmm… not too pleasant looking yet, the skin is growing ‘all over the place’ to cover up the big wound…. *sigh* There goes the lesson on the importance of instructions….
***So, Blessed mom, your question answered. *wink*
January 19th, 2010 at 1:05 am
I think like you but hub think otherwise… So when both of us are together, I go by his way. He is more worried abt Z as you know how many times he fractured his hands :(
.-= LZmommy´s last blog ..Beanie & His New Toy =-.
January 19th, 2010 at 9:21 am
I am like you too. Even though how heartpain, I will not hug them or carry them at that instant when they refuse to heed my advice. I let them feel the pain.
I look heartless when I do that, and if my MIL is around, lucky I have hubby to support me, or else she will interfere
So now the kids will alws continue my sentence when I say, “If you listen to mummy,….” (before I can continue)
“….you will suffer or feel the pain!” they finish the sentence for me =D
.-= ling´s last undefined ..If you register your site for free at =-.
January 19th, 2010 at 1:06 pm
I am like you when comes to instructions. No lor li lor soh nagging for the same thing twice. 3rd time? U go answer for it… :D
.-= levine´s last blog ..PSG: Project V Part II =-.
January 19th, 2010 at 1:35 pm
Wow….GREAT MUM with great methods to sent message to your child. I’m an overly worried mum who will rushed to their rescue at anytime. I think I should start to learn your ‘way’.
.-= mnhl´s last blog ..Poor Birdie =-.
January 19th, 2010 at 4:00 pm
did you miss out the word “Don’t” before the word “listen”???
*huge laugh*
January 19th, 2010 at 5:23 pm
same like me… me too.. sometimes they need to go through it when they really dont’t listen to us ..repeatedly..but bet he must have learned his lesson now
.-= suhanya´s last blog ..Notes notes.. thats important =-.
January 19th, 2010 at 8:10 pm
You are really GREAT mom :D
.-= Juliana RW´s last blog ..Digital 3D Arts =-.
January 19th, 2010 at 10:01 pm
opps i did !! =D :p
.-= ling´s last undefined ..If you register your site for free at =-.
January 19th, 2010 at 10:34 pm
guess we can shake hands!! i’m just like you and sometimes, my hubby qtns how I can be so cold-blooded :P
I told my kids the same thing..I warn you abt the danger and if you choose to proceed, don’t come crying..
.-= blessed mom´s last blog ..Baby Ryan @ 9 months old =-.
January 24th, 2010 at 2:17 pm
I’m jes as cold-blooded. hehehe But somehow my kids don’t seem to learn the lesson. They’ll still do the same mistake over n over again. sigh…