Best Mommy Award
Awards Received this Most Encouraging award from Little Prince, Blessed Mum and Janice.
Thank you girls, you are Best Mommies too! *Muack*
1. Show the award logo in your post.
2. Pick a picture you have with your kiddo/s.
3. Post should include your best experience as a Mom.
4. Nominate other blogger moms out there that you consider the best mom, like yourself.
I’m sick of posting the nicely posed pictures. So here’s a candid shot of us getting wet at Marina Barrage.
What’s my best experience as a Mom?
~ To hear “Mommy, I love you!” Voluntarily Every Single Day!
I think EVERY MOM deserves this award! So if you had gone through the morning sickness, the water retention, the labour, the pain, the confinement, the wiping of stinky poo off the little bum, cleaning up the Eewww..vomits, pulling your hair when you can’t stop the not-even-half your size little monster from throwing tantrums or shut that whiny teeny weeny mouth, you know you deserve to have this award…..
So YOU! Mommy! Go Ahead and Grab this award! You own the title of being Best Mommy!
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