Happy 7th Birthday Binbin!

Special Moments

I must say that Binbin’s birthday celebration this year is a well balanced one. One that stirred up all sorts of emotions. One that let him taste the good and bad blood. *sigh*

So he had his massive advanced birthday gift when we gave him the Chalet Birthday celebration during the March School Holidays.

Then, just like previous years, birthday celebrations start on the eve.


On 29th March…..

While Allan was in a meeting near Bugis, I was in the Arcade with the kids.


For me, its strictly play-without-putting-money-in when they are at the Arcade, especially after coming back from our Batam trip.

Yet, when the doting father came to meet us after his appointment, $5 were exchanged for tokens and the kids went crazy over collecting the tickets which came out from the machines.

PhotobucketAt 12 Midnight…..


To my birth family (not my current family), birthdays are very important and it must be celebrated. Totally different from Allan’s birth family.

No matter how chaotic the situation may be. My parents will still have our Midnight birthday cake cutting ‘ceremony‘.

Since my dad and mom can hold on to that tradition under those circumstances back then, I see no reason why I should stop when my own family now is living so harmoniously.



After the mini argument between Binbin and I over the choice of cake for the chalet celebration, read post “Learn to be Better Parents Every Day“, this round, it was a time of conviction between Allan and  Binbin.

Me to Allan: “You will Never believe what birthday cake he wants for his actual day.”

Allan: “Strawberry Shortcake.”

*jaws dropped*

Me: “How did you know?!”

Allan: “The tone of your voice tells me that its a cake that NONE of us will like to eat.”


Allan to Binbin: “Binbin, you want to buy the Strawberry Shortcake because you like to eat Strawberry right?”

Binbin: “Yes.”

Allan: “But you like to eat Chocolate Cake too right?”

Binbin: “Yes.”

Allan: “But there is no chocolate inside the Strawberry Shortcake.”

Binbin: “Huh?! Then what’s inside?”

Allan: “Vanilla and Strawberries.”

Binbin: “Orh.” A little disappointed but still stayed firm on his decision.

Allan: “Why don’t I buy a Chocolate Cake and a packet of Strawberries, so you can put the Strawberries on your own piece of Chocolate Cake. Then you can have Chocolate and Strawberries at the same time?”

Binbin *cheerfully*: “Ok!!!”


In the end, my fruit prince was more interested in the Strawberries than the Chocolate cake! *laugh*


On Actual Day, 30th March….


What a birthday gift he brought back from school! He came home with lips swollen and peeled skin stained with raw blood.

A collision between him and his classmate during PE lesson, the last lesson of the day. *sigh* Must it be ON his birthday????

Oh well, accidents do not choose when it happens. It Just Happens! *eyes rolled*

*Photo below was taken after the wound has been cleaned.


Regardless of how painful eating could be, or how long we had to queue (we queued for more than an hour!), he still chooses to go to one of his favourite restaurants, Tony Romas, to savor his favourite cheesesticks and corn.

Though Binbin did not have the magician to entertain him like how his brother had during his 8th birthday dinner at Tony Romas, he still enjoys colouring and solving the puzzles on the keep-the-kids-entertianed piece of paper from the restaurant.




Yup! With that ends Binbin’s 7th Birthday Celebration. Definitely a great blend of all sorts of emotions, but all in all, it had been good. *thumbs up*

Happy 7th Birthday My Dearest Binbin!

Happy 7th Birthday Binbin!

Copyright © 2007-2024 All About Your Child. The contents on this blog are the sole property of the author, Angeline Foong, and may not be used or reproduced in any manner without consent. All Rights Reserved. No Comments »

Happy 11th Birthday Niece, ZY!

Special Moments

PhotobucketToday is my 2nd niece’s birthday.

As today is a school day, her birthday celebration was brought forward to last Sunday, 25th March.

March is always a happy time for the Loh Family.

TWO birthdays in the same month and only one day apart. ZY’s birthday today and my Binbin’s birthday tomorrow.

Let’s start with the glorious food which my MIL has prepared (except the pizza of cos!).

Because of our introduction of cheese hotdog to my niece during Binbin’s Advanced Birthday Celebration at the Changi Chalet, two weeks ago, my MIL ‘scolded‘ us for creating more work for her. *eyes rolled*

Oh well, so long as the birthday girl is happy… all else does not matter.





Desserts : Grass Jelly & Longan with Almond Jelly

Presents from us. As usual we asked her for her wishlist and we fulfilled it:




Happy 11th Birthday Niece!

Copyright © 2007-2024 All About Your Child. The contents on this blog are the sole property of the author, Angeline Foong, and may not be used or reproduced in any manner without consent. All Rights Reserved. No Comments »